Sugar And Spice

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Earlier in the train, Valt had explained to us that Shu was injured. Kairi had been shocked and asked a hundred questions. Okay, I'm exaggerating here, but you get the picture.

I wasn't sure what I was going to say to Shu when I saw him. I knew that Valt would fret over him until Shu assured him that he was going to be okay. What would I say?

I hung back a little when the others spoke to Shu through a window. I knew that I was only delaying the inevitable. But I couldn't help it.

When Shu exited the doctor's office, he saw me for the first time and gasped. 'Rose?' he asked.

'Hi Shu,' I said. Then we both stared at each other. Awkward.

All of a sudden, everyone seemed to be clearing out so Shu and I could be alone. Alright, now I was certain that Valt had told the Beyclub that I had kissed Shu. But still, there was a chance that Ukyo was spying on us.

'Are... Are you okay?'

'Er... Yeah. My shoulder should be fine as long as I take things easy.'

'About that kiss, I didn't mean to do it. I was just overwhelmed and...'



Shu took my hand in his. 'You're different from other girls I met.'

'Is that a good thing or not?'

'Do you know about a poem that says that girls are made of sugar, spice and everything nice?'

I nodded.

'Wrll, the meaning of the poem is that girls are supposed to be gentle. It's why whenever I meet girls, they act all ladylike and fragile. But it's usually an act. I'm not Prince Charming, expected to save damsels in distress. You act natural around me. That's what I like about you.'

'Yeah, but I shouldn't have kissed you without any warning.'

I remembered a Wattpad fanfic I read once. In it, Free De La Hoya randomly kissed Lui Shirosagi. Lui was so shocked that he had no idea how to react. It would be funny unless it happened to you.

'Actually,' said Shu. 'I kind of liked it.'

'Huh? I don't understand.'

What happened next left me speechless. Shu actually kissed me. He tasted like strawberries and cream. Last time I had been too shocked to notice, but I felt as light as a cloud. After a minute or two, Shu pulled away.

'You like me?' I asked.

'Yeah,' said Shu. 'Rose, I have had a crush on you since the day after we met.'

'I have a crush on you too,' I said. 'I never thought that you would like me back.'

Shu and I stared at each other. It seemed that no one else existed except each other.

'Yes! My ship just sailed!' came a voice from a certain little blue-haired boy. Shoot. I forgot about our friends. I saw Kairi and Valt grinning at us.

'You were watching us?' I asked.

'Yeah,' said Kairi. 'I was waiting forever for you two to get together.'

Shu looked really embarrassed. 'Valt, do you really have to watch us all of the time?'

Valt giggled. 'Well, I did tell you that there was nothing to worry about.'

Wait, Valt knew of Shu's feelings for me? Was it really that obvious? Please don't tell me that I have become as blind as Adrian Agreste.

Shu and I just glanced at each other, then burst out laughing at the irony of it all. All this drama could have been avoided if either of us had just confessed in the first place. Gosh, we're such idiots.

'Rose, will you be my girlfriend?' asked Shu.

I nodded eagerly. 'Yes, a thousand times yes.'

Valt and Kairi started cheering, but Rantaro called out, 'Are we going to see the dojo or what? We haven't got all day.'

I was impressed by how large the dojo was. Then a funny picture came into my head and I started giggling.

'What's so funny?' asked Kairi.

'Oh nothing,' I said. The moment I had been thinking about hadn't happened yet. It wouldn't take place until Season 2.

Suddenly, I thought of the Red Eye event and sobered up. I didn't know if I could prevent it from happening.

After a few battles, I suddenly heard a large rumbling sound. I freaked out for a moment before remembering where it was actually coming from.

'It's my stomach,' said Xander.

'Wow, your stomach's super loud,' said Kairi.

I don't know if it's just a coincidence, but I couldn't seem to stop touching Shu's hand. Every time it happened, we both got flustered and blushed profusely. Everyone else kept oohing.

I felt a little silly. This was an anime, not a sitcom. But then, in the original show Shu stayed single for the whole series. Actually, everyone stayed single.

The whole day sped by and before I knew it, it was evening and time to go home. Shu still had to stay for treatment, so we said goodbye.

'So how is having a boyfriend like?' Kairi gushed to me.

'Shh,' I said. 'I don't want anyone else to know yet.

'Alright,' said Kairi. 'Though I would like to see the look on Tamiko's face if she finds out that Shu is now taken, and by you, of all people.'

'Oh, I can already imagine how Tamiko will react,' said Daigo. 'And it's not a pretty picture.'

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