Please Eat...

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Shu stayed over at my house that night, and I woke up to hear him screaming in his sleep. He had another nightmare about Ashtem and Spryzen Requiem. It was honestly very terrifying.

The next morning, I discovered that Shu had been too terrified to go back to sleep. He was so tired that he almost walked into a wall. I told him to at least rest for a few hours but he refused.

Shu was still flatly refusing to eat. I don't remember the last time he had eaten. I was getting super concerned now. I was afraid that Shu may die if he doesn't eat anything. He's really weak now.

I tried tempting Shu with some tarts, but he didn't even have a nibble.

"Come on," I said. "You're going to be really sick if you don't take a bite."

"I'm not hungry," said Shu although his stomach was making noises.

"Shu, please eat?" I asked.

"I'm not hungry!" protested Shu.

Well, desperate times call for desperate measures. And that was...

To tell Valt. Surely he could figure out a way to make Shu eat.

Valt did everything he could to tempt Shu. He gave him Beybread, chocolate muffins and cherry tomatoes.

"Cherry tomatoes?" I asked. "That's an odd choice."

"Shu loves cherry tomatoes," said Valt. "When we were in kindergarten, he would snack on those all of the time."

Well, Shu wasn't touching any of them. I was running out of ideas.

"All right, I have enough of it! You won't eat, you won't sleep, you won't even touch Spryzen! How are you going to heal if you won't even take the first step?"

To my shock, Shu suddenly started crying again. He's not usually so thin-skinned.

"Is... Something the matter?"

"I... Don't know how much longer I can stand it. I'm afraid of having nightmares, that's why I don't want to sleep. I haven't been beyblading because I feel so guilty about all the Beyblades I have destroyed. And I haven't been eating because I don't really have any appetite. Also, my stomach hurts."

"Are you sick?"

"No, but... I don't feel like eating. I know that it's unhealthy, but I just can't eat."

I sighed. "Okay, but you have to eat at some point. You need to start sometime, and it's better to start as early as possible."

Shu nodded. "Okay, I will eat."

I cooked Shu some macaroni and cheese. But he just looked at the macaroni and cheese sadly.

"I... I can't do it," he said.

"If you eat, I will make you some brownies."

"I still can't eat," said Shu.

"Shu, can you pretty pretty please eat? You can have ice cream with chocolate sauce on top."

"I don't eat ice cream with any sauce," said Shu.

I sighed. "Shu, you said that you would eat."

Shu sighed. "Fine. But only one bite."

"Suit yourself," I said.

Shu slowly put a spoonful of the cheesy meal in his mouth... And then ate another. And another."

Before I knew it, Shu had finished the whole bowl. "This is so good," he said.

"I told you," I said.

"I don't know how you make it so good," said Shu.

"I could say the same about your pasta," I told him.

As promised, I let Shu have some brownies. I had actually baked them myself. The first time I had made them, they had come out burnt. But now the brownies were perfect.

Shu told me that my brownies were delicious. "I don't know how you managed to bake them," he said.

I smiled. "Thanks," I said.

We ended up watching a movie after lunch. We watched Barbie in Rock 'N Royals, which wasn't too bad for a newer movie. I have heard that people generally thought of the classic Barbie movies as masterpieces while the more modern Barbie movies weren't that good.

Though I agree that the older movies were better, there were some good semi-classic and semi-modern movies. The songs in this movie were really catchy.

However, Shu didn't really seem to be paying attention. He just stared at the screen with blank unfocused eyes. At nearly the end, I paused the movie and asked him if he was feeling alright.

"I'm fine," muttered Shu sluggishly. He was clearly exhausted.

"Shu, go to sleep," I told him.

"But... I don't want to," said Shu although he could barely keep his eyes open.

"Shu, you need to sleep. You're barely functioning. I told you to get enough sleep, remember?"

"But... The nightmares..."

"I will be here with you. You just rest, okay?"

"Alright," said Shu. He laid down on the sofa and instantly fell asleep.

I wish that I could say that Shu slept like a baby, but that would be a lie. He kept moving around in his sleep, and I kept singing soothing lullabies to keep him asleep.

I think that I must have dozed off too, because the next thing I knew I was on the floor. Shu was still asleep.

At least he's sleeping, I thought. I wasn't sure how I could get him to start Beyblading again, but it was crucial that I do, for there were future seasons where Shu would battle Aiger, then Phi, then Lain, then... Well, you get what I'm saying.

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