Tartaros (Prologue)

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Time skip ~~ brought to you by Yuno's love for Yukiteru (Future Diary/ Mirai Nikki reference)

3rd Person POV

        After the celebration came to a close, everyone returned back to their respective guilds. With two new S-Class Wizards, Fairy Tail keeps getting more popular. The scent of booze, the roars of laughter, and the small groups of friends chatting amongst themselves are signs of things returning back to normal in the Fairy Tail guild. 

        "Look at this, Gray!" Juvia cheerfully insists. Gray focusing his attention on the Water mage as she pulls out a tray of baked pastries. "Juvia baked buns!" She made about two dozen bread buns with pictures of chibi Gray all over them. "They're called Gray Buns!" Disgusted and creeped out, Gray wanted to throw them out the nearest window. However, Ul taught him better than that.

        "Well, they looked good, but I have a thing against eating my own face." Gray politely declines Juvia's homemade gift. Gray smirks triumphantly as he figured he escaped from eating one of those creepy weird buns. Juvia had a smile on her face.

        "That makes sense. Juvia will eat the Gray buns..." Juvia places the Gray Buns on the table. She blushes and bashes her eyelashes flirtatiously. "while you, my beloved.." She pulls out a new tray of buns with chibi Juvia all over them. "please eat my Juvia buns!" 

        "I was tricked!" Cana, overhearing Gray, sits on top of the table cross-legged. She holds a barrel of alcohol like a stuffed animal.

        "What's goin' on over there? I thought Gray shot her down since he has feelings for (Y/N)." Cana asks with a bit of a blush on her face. Mira, holding a tray of beers smiles at the love story unfolding. 

        "It's always the same." she simply says. Elfman appears and grubs on one of the buns that Juvia made. 

        "If you're not gonna dig in, then I'll take it." he chomps away. Juvia freaks out as Elfman eats one of the Juvia buns. "This is a flavor of a Man!" he exclaims satisfied. Juvia dramatically weeps. 

        "Big brother Elfman, you need to get a clue." Lisanna scolds her silver-haired brother.

        "Another man ate Juvia's buns, and I don't even understand his opinion!" Elfman is not paying attention as he stuffs more bread in his face.

        "Since you did go to the trouble, I'll have one." Gray mentions. He takes a bite while Juvia happily cheers in victory. Except...

        "That's a Gray bun." Realizing he just ate his own face, Gray gags in shock. Everyone else went about their business... until... 

        "THIS IS BAD!!! BIG NEWS!!!" Jet and Droy came bursting through the guild hall. Poor Droy tripped and fell flat to the ground as Jet held the newspaper in hand. Natsu, Erza, Master Makarov, Juvia, Gray, the rest of the Fairy Tail Dragon Slayers, and even Lucy would have never predicted grim events to transpire at that very moment...

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