Welcome to Fairy Tail!

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3rd Person POV

(Y/N) and Krystal have finally arrived to Magnolia with her new friends. They made it to the Fairy Tail Guild.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail!" Happy announced. They all entered the guild. (Y/N) and Krystal were looking around at how huge the guild was. Everyone stopped whatever they where doing and stared at the two newcomers. Their eyes widened and jaws dropped. Some eyes at hearts for eyes. Erza cleared her throat.

"Long story short. (Y/N) and Krystal are Fairy Tail's newest members. I expect you guys to treat them well." she said. (Y/N) and Krystal bowed in respect.

"It's a pleasure to meet everyone." they said in unison.

The guild members of Fairy Tail started surrounding them. Some were surprised to see another Exceed. Pantherlily and Krystal were chatting about their swordships skills. (Y/N) swore she saw a blush on Lily's face. Happy said his usual saying "You LOOOVVEE HER!" to Lily. He started blushing more redder. Krystal stared giggling. The guys were saying how cute (Y/N) was. 

Suddenly, a huge waterworks was pouring out. It was all coming from a certain Water woman...

"Oh. My beloved Grey, I missed you." she started talking about how she was couldn't handle staying away from her Grey. The waterworks still continued that the guild was being flooded in her tears.

"Grey, stop your girlfriend man." a male wizards said. Grey was being swept away by her tears. 

"She's not my freaking girlfriend!" he tried saying. After everything calmed down, Mirajane came up to them.

"Hello. My name's Mirajane." she introduced herself.

"Wow. What great luck! First I met Erza, now I'm meeting Mirajane." (Y/N) said to Krystal. 

"I assume Krystal has the same power as the rest of the Exceeds. Would you mind telling us what type of magic you use?" she asked.

"Wait a minute. She's more than your average Exceed. She has the same abilities as me." Pantherlily defended Krystal. Happy kept teasing him. I bet he's 'happy' that he doesn't have to worry about Lily taking Carla away from him. 

"I never knew you were so protective over a female cat before Lily?" Gajeel pointed out. "She's not a cat. She's a fox." Carla corrected. 

"It's fine." Krystal assured her. (Y/N) finally spoke.

"I use Ice Magic. In fact, I'm an Ice Dragon slayer." she told everyone. They all gasped. They were staring at (Y/N) without saying a word. (Y/N) thought they were going to kick her out. The silence broke.

"WOW. THAT'S AWESOME!!!" everyone exclaimed in unison. (Y/N) was surprised.


"Just like Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy!" Reedus said. He began sketching us in his drawing pad.

"I never heard of a guild with four dragon slayers before!" Wakaba said as he jumped around like a kid whose got his favorite toy.

"Welcome to the family. Happy to have you aboard." Nab told (Y/N). (Y/N) was smiling because she's happy to be accepted by everyone.

"Alright everyone! Let's celebrate our newest members of Fairy Tail! Now eat, drink, and be merry!" Master Makarov exclaimed. Mirajane placed the (F/C) Fairy Tail symbol on (wherever you wish to place it.)

Just then, several unexpected guests arrived.

Your POV

We were about to celebrate until some guests arrived.

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