A Mother's Past

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Iduna's POV

My childhood was a joyous time. I was the middle child, with an older and younger sister. Father might have not been happy with the idea of three girls, but he still loved us. During this time, it was expected of us to be well groomed so Father can arrange a good match for us.

I was waiting in the forest when it suddenly began to snow. It did not take long until the grass and trees were covered in white fluff. With my hand holding onto my stomach, I saw the warm welcoming of my eldest sister.



I stood up from my seat gently. With my huge belly, it's been a struggle to walk around. I didn't care because it would all be worth it. We embraced each other as we have not seen each other in over a decade.

"My dear sister, it's been so long."

"I'm surprised you came. The king and I were afraid you wouldn't come." She gently takes my hand and gazes upon my belly.

"Oh, nonsense. As if I were to miss the day of my niece or nephew's birth. And when did you start calling your husband 'the king'? You were the one who scolded me for not calling my brother-in-law by his first name."

"Sorry Ingrid. Agnarr has been rather busy with the kingdom and its affairs. How is our youngest sister doing?"

"Helga? Oh, our poor little sister is ill at the moment. She's been a sickly child since we were kids. I do worry when she gets married and bears children."

"Oh dear." I pull away from and look upon the glistening snow on the tree branches. "If only Helga could be with us right now. How much I've missed her." I felt the gloved hands of my sister upon my shoulders, comforting me as she's always done in the past.

"One day, she shall."

My eldest sister, the one who bears the ice magic, is the only known member in our family to bear that type of magic. I inherited Celestial Magic while our youngest sister is too weak to bear any magic.

When my daughter was born, I was surprised she didn't inherited my magic. Nonetheless, Agnarr and I were happy to have her.

Time skip ~~ brought to you by Juvia's obession with Gray-sama (Fairy Tail reference)

One day, Helga send an invitation to a celebration to her daughter's birth. Rapunzel, they named her. I was surprised her husband, the King of Corona, was able to find a flower that would cure Helga's poor health. The both of them were living healthy.

But due to Arendelle's great distance from Corona, Agnarr and I had to travel by sea. Since (Y/N) was feeling a bit under the weather, she could not come with us. Ingrid was kind enough to watch over her while attend.

As we were sailing the seas at night, I looked over the waters and wish I could cradle my little girl.

"Iduna." My husband embraces me from behind. "What's wrong?" he whispers in my ears. I let out a deep sigh.

"Do you think (Y/N) will be alright staying at home?"

"With the fever she's been having, we could not take her. A long journey like this, who knows what it would do to her health. I'd rather play it safe and entrust her recovery to our doctors and your sister."

I know he's right, but I long to hold her in my arms and sing her lullabies. Taking me from my deep thoughts, my husband chuckles. I turn to him.

"What is it?"

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