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Your POV

Hi my name is (your full name)! Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I have no knowledge of who my mother and father were. All I could remember was when I was four years old, I was walking around in the snow. It was a cold, snowy night. I didn't know where I was. I was rubbing my arms to keep myself warm. All I had on was a light blue snow coat, white gloves, a sweater, and brown boots. I didn't know why I was wearing a skirt with white leggings. I had no idea at all. All I did was walking around, figuring out where was I. The snow storm finally calmed down

Suddenly, I came across a frozen lake. I was staring at a winter wonderland as the ground and pine trees were covered in pure white snow. Northern lights glowed in the sky to bright up the darkness. It was absolutely beautiful. Very breathtaking indeed. There was a sudden voice that spoke to me. It said to me, "Walk across the frozen lake. I wish to meet you." I did what the voice told me. Once I walked across the lake, I came across something I couldn't believe was real.

A dragon was standing in front of me. I thought they went extinct. This dragon was huge. It had blue scales that shimmer to make it look like it was encased in crystal. The wings were shown white and pure like snow. The claws appeared to look like large icicles. The dragon was filled with a radiance so divine. Snowfales surround her like the stars above. Many would run away, but I was mesmerazied by this dragon.

"W-Who are you?" I asked in my childish voice. 

"My name is Elsanna. I am the Ice Dragon." the dragon spoked to me. My eyes widened. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. And it's happening right in front of my eyes. This dragon talked to me. 

"You're a dragon? But I thought dragons weren't real." I said stammering due to the cold. 

"Well little one, dragons do exist. May I ask you what your name is?" she asked me in a gentle voice. 

"I don't know my name. I don't know who am I." I told her. I wonder if I even exist.

"How about (your full name)?" she asked. I nodded since I like the name she picked out for me. 

"Well (y/n), how would you like to come with me? It gets so lonely out here." she asked me. 

I smiled at her and said yes. She told me she wishes to raise me like her own daughter. I was so happy. I never had a mother. As far as I know of. She taught me how to read and write. She even taught me dragon slaying magic. I was so happy to have Elsanna with me. She was the only family I had.One day, Elsanna left. I didn't know where she was. I broke down in tears. I wanted to know where she was. 

I walked around and found a town. There was a woman who saw me. She introduced herself as Ul. I told her about everything, even my determination to find Elsanna. She wanted for me to show her my ice magic. Once I did, she was impressed. She asked if I wanted to learn more ice magic an I agreed to it. I began to learn to make ice objects. She said it was ice-make magic. It was hard training and very weird since she kept striping a lot and wanted me to do it as well. I did it since she asked me and the cold never bother me anyway. (Don't sue me Disney! I take no credit.)

Ul said she needed to head back to her hometown. I asked her on where I should go. She told me to follow my heart as it will take me to where I should go. We parted ways. I just kept wondering around. I decided to make the snowy mountains my home. At the top of the snowy mountain, lies an ice castle I created. I lived in it and felt like a real princess. 

Later on, I found an egg. It hatched into this adorable creature. It was a purple fox. I named her Krystal. The both of us trained and became stronger. She can even change into a taller form of herself. Her weapon came from a blacksmith we became friendly with. It is adjustable so she can carry it anywhere. 

I am now 17 years old. We kept walking around and heard stories of a guild known as Fairy Tail. The Fairy Tail wizards are extremely talented. I heard the guild had three dragon slayers. So Krystal and I went on a journey in hopes of join Fairy Tail.

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