Team Natsu

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Lucy's POV
        It was funny seeing how unaware (Y/N) is when it comes to boys. She had no clue that Lyon and Gray are totally into her. I wish I was cute and sweet as her. I'm so jealous of her. But I am worried about her. Juvia is going to kill (Y/N) if she sees them together. She even has a murderous look when she saw Gray holding (Y/N)'s hand. And Lyon has several girls going after him as well. I have to know what (Y/N) feels about them. 

"Hey (Y/N), can I ask you something?" I asked. She turned to me, with Krystal still on her head. Krystal was also listening to us.

"Yeah sure. What's up?" she asked.

"Uh, I wondering…. how do you feel about Gray?" I asked her. She looked at me with a confused expression. 

"Well, I see as a good friend. Why do you ask?" she asked. 

"I just wanted to let you know that Juvia has a 'thing' for Gray." I said. 'Thing' was an understatement. She has an unhealthy obsession for Gray. She blinked her eyes a few times. 

"Isn't Juvia Gray's girlfriend?" she asked me. I was so shocked about what she said that I almost choked ob my saliva. 

"No. It's a one-side love. Juvia 'loves' Gray, but I don't think he feels the same way about her. I wanted to let you know because Juvia gets really jealous whenever a girl is close to Gray. So seeing how you connect with Gray, she's probably think you're taking him away from her." I explained. I just don't want (Y/N) to get hurt. She's a member of Fairy Tail now, so that means she's my family.

"Oh really? But Juvia seems so sweet and kind. I actually kind of admired her. I never knew she was head over heels in love with him." she said. I heard a bit of sadness in her voice. 

"Uh well, how do you feel about Lyon? If you like him, then I'm sure Juvia will support you 100%." I asked her. To be honest, I want her to be with Gray. Mostly because I don't want her to leave Fairy Tail and join Lamia Scale because Lyon is in the guild. 

"Um. Lyon is a close friend too. I guess. I was a bit surprised on how he called me beautiful. No one has ever called me that before. I guess Ul must have told him I'm like this absolutely beautiful princess in the world. But really, I'm just an average girl. I'm nowhere as cute as you Lucy." she said while smiling. My eyes widened. Does she have low self-esteem or has she not seen herself in the mirror. She's got twwo guys after her and she says I'm better-looking than her. She's so pure-hearted and yet so blind. 

"I think you both are cute." I heard Krystal saying. The both of us looked up to her. "Today, people are very concerned on their appearance. They see the faults in their own appearance and therefore they are envious of other people's appearance. I believe if people actually see themselves they way other people perceive them, they can see how right they are. Right now, I see two young beautiful ladies that any guy would be lucky to  have." she said. (Y/N) said thanks and thinks Krystal is beautiful too. Oh wow, Krystal is just as kind-hearted as (Y/N).

Before I knew it, I stopped. They stopped as well. I was begging to cry. The tears of happiness.

"Thank you Krystal. I never heard anything more accurate that you said. Thank you for the compliment. And I think you're beautiful too." I tried to say clearly, not letting my voice crackle. (Y/N) and Krystal came up to me with a warm hug. I sobbed in (Y/N)'s shirt. I apologized about that. She assured me it was okay. We headed my apartment. 

I introduce (Y/N) and Krystal to the landlady. After telling me I still needed to pay rent, she welcomed them both. The landlady showed them around the apartment. They were happy seeing how adorable it was. It was like my apartment, except it had light blue wallpaper. I waved good-bye to the and headed to my apartment. 

I finally have a cool roommate. I just met her, but I feel like I have a sister. I opened the door to see Natsu and Happy breaking in again. OH COME ON! YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!….

Timeskip~~~ brought to you by the Ouran High School Host Club! oh wait that's a different show. (OHSHC reference)

Your POV
        I woke up in my new apartment. It's not like my ice castle where I can easily change it around, but was comfortable enough. Once I get used to living here, I'll change some stuff aroung. Krystal woke up as well. I decided to have breakfast with Lucy as well. I invited her over so we can have pancakes. She complimented on my cooking. She told me the pancakes were so good. I'm glad she likes my cooking.

After breakfast, Lucy, Krystal, and I headed to Fairy Tail looking for a job. I was scanning the Request Board. There's so many jobs available, it's hard to pick one. Though I have done small jobs before, I've only done them within the town I was in. 

"Has anything caught your interest?" Mirajane asked me. "Well, I'm still deciding on what job to take?" I replied sheepishly. 

"Take your time. Though if you wouldn't mind a little advice, I suggest that you stay away from solo jobs. Since you're starting out, it might be best if you helped other members with their jobs. You'll take a pay cut but the experience is worth it." she said. She does have a point.

"Hey (Y/N)!" I heard. I turn to see Gray. "Hey Gray. What's up?" I said. 

"I was just wondering how you were doing? Have you decided on a job?" He asked. 

"Well, Mira just suggest me to help someone else on a job." I explained to him. 

"How about taking a job with me?" he asked me. I started blushing a bit. I don't know why but I feel a little bit feverish whenever I see Gray. "Well- ugh." I began to say before I was interrupted. 

"Hey Gray, have you picked out a job for us?" Erza asked. Wait what? She turned to me. "Oh, hello (Y/N). Have you decided on a job?" she asked me.

"I told Gray how Mira suggested that I help someone else on their job. In fact, he just asked me if I could take a job with him." I explained to her. She was smirking and looking at Gray. He turned around. I see his ears were red. Aw how cute. Does Gray like Erza? 

"How about you work with us. In fact, how about you join our team?" Erza asked me. Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, Happy, and Carla came over to us. I can't believe it. I've been asked by one of the most popular teams in Fairy Tail, and they are asking us. We should be the ones asking them. 

"Are you sure you want me to join your team? I mean, do you really want someone like me on your team?" I asked them.

"Not someone like you? (Y/N) IT'S GOTTA BE EXACTLY YOU! It's just wouldn't be the same without you/ Besides, my sister has to be on the same team as me." Nastu replied. Huh? Did Natsu just called me his sister?

"She's not your sister, Natsu." Gray told him. They started to argue, but Erza thankfully stopped them. After the quarrel, Krystal and I decided to join their team. They asked me to pick a job request. I looked around to find one we can all do. I looked for one with a big reward, so we can all have a decent pay cut. I only found one with a huge reward that didn't seem difficult. 

"How about this one? It says it needs actors and actress. Plus it has a huge reward. And it says... Thank you so very much…?" I said. Everyone (except Erza) were paled out. They seemed to not like the job request I chosen. I wonder why….

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