Memory of Death

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Fairy Tail Narrator
Natsu and the rest of the Fairy Tail guild members battle against Tartaros in order to stop the anti-magic activating pulse bomb known as Face. Mard Geer explains their purpose for activating Face is to revive their master END. But when Natsu was in a pinch against Mard Geer, Gray and (Y/N) joins in to aid him. With Rogue and Sting battling against their former master Jiemma, it is up to them to take down Mard Geer in his true demon form. This is the final battle.

Time Skip ~~ brought to you by DAM snack bar (Percy Jackson reference) Thanks to Blackcanary017!

3rd Person POV
Igneel is battling Acnologia high in the sky. Underneath them, the group of Natsu, Gray, and (Y/N) must defeat Mard Geer. The three of them ran toward their target, ready to strike. In his true form, Mard Geer's eyes glow red with a white light surrounding him. He unleashes the power of his Curse to summon throws aiming right for the trio.

"Freeze!" Gray uses his Ice Devil Slaying Magic to make the thorns stop in ice.

"Burn!" Natsu uses his Fire Dragon Slaying Magic to turn the thorns into ashes.

"Cut!" (Y/N) commands the knight she summoned for it to wield its sword and slash the thorns into pieces. The three work together to stop Mard Geer's attack. The power of friendship is shown in their teamwork.

However, Mard Geer flies straight for them. He grips onto Natsu's hair with one claw and grips onto Gray's hair with the other claw. Meanwhile, he takes (Y/N)'s shirt with the claws on his feet. He flies up in the air at high speed.

"Let me go, you jerk!" Natsu yells at the enemy. He tries to get of the grip, but it was useless. Gray is using his hands to try to remove the claw from his head. (Y/N) struggles from getting the enemy to release her.

Mard Geer flies down and drags their faces against the ground as he takes flight. They scream in agony from the friction rubbing on their faces.

"I'm going to scrape everything away. Even your emotions." Mard Geer says.

It was at this time that Sting and Rogue were finally able to defeat their former master and put an end to his terror he inflicted upon Sabertooth. Learning so much about friends and heart from the Fairy Tail guild, Sting and Rogue delivered the final blow to Jiemma. However, they fell from exhaustion and left the rest up to Fairy Tail.

Natsu, Gray, and (Y/N) stop screaming to grip onto Mard Geer's claws one more time. Mard Geer wonder as to what was going on with his prey. (Y/N) lets her two guild mates do their thing since she trusts them to give the enemy a good punch. Natsu and Gray put their legs around Mard Geer's arms, putting it into an armlock position. With an arm free, Natsu and Gray were able to strike at the head of a panic Mard Geer.

All of them came to a sudden stop as Mard Geer face was planted right into the ground. (Y/N) frees herself from Mard Geer's lock on her shirt. She jumps backwards to recall her knight she summoned. The blast from Natsu's flames and Gray's ice continues on, glowing a golden color to signal the power of their magic attacks.

Once the dust settles, Mard Geer looks back at the two Fairy Tail wizards. Gasping at how Mard Geer seems unfazed, they did not have time to react to his claws grabbing onto their faces. He flies upward and literally throws them down to the ground.

"Natsu! Gray!" (Y/N) exclaims. She's still trying to recover from overexerting herself from the magic she received from her mother.

Mard Geer has a black and white sphere being prepared in his right claw. Natsu and Gray note that Mard Geer was going to attack them. Sure enough, Mard Geer releases a light beam from his claw at aims right for them. They keep dodging his attack as best they can.

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