Who's the One With the Luck?

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Time skip ~~ brought to you by Italy's Hug Therapy that is helping us wait patiently for the next chapter!! (Hetalia reference)

3rd Person POV
        The stadium is filled with a roaring crowd. The guild ships have already arrived. The guilds will take their seats as the participants prepare for their battles. 

"Welcome everyone to the Fairy Tail S-Class Wizard Exam Games! I'm your announcer, Chapati Lola." the announcer said. He turns to his right.

"And we are joined by the owner of 8-islands, Yajima." Chapati Lola presented. Yajima nodded.

"I'm so glad to witness this moment. I look forward to seeing these talented wizards perform their very best. I wonder who will be the next Fairy Tail S-Class Wizard." Yajima commented.

"And next to him, I'm very honored to present His Royal Majesty, King Toma E. Fiore." Chapati Lola presented a fairly short old man.

"Thank you. My daughter and I were happy to see the S-Class Wizard Exam. We have redeem the titles of the other Fairy Tail S-Class Wizards are we are looking forward to see who will join them." the King said. His daughter, Princess Hisui E. Fiore, sat lady-like next to him. 

"I've heard Lucy will be participating. I to look forward to seeing her in action. And I'm very excited to see the Maiden of Ice herself. To be honest, I truly am a fan of hers." Princess Hisui said.

"You are indeed correct, your Highness. I also hope to see the lovely Maiden of Ice to show us more Ice Dragon Slaying magic." Chapati Lola mentioned. Yajima nodded.

"As well do I. She's helped me numerous times at my restaurant. And she does make very delicious food." Yajima added.

"Alright, it's time for the S-Class Exam battles to begin." Chapati announced. The crowd roared in excitement. Cheers for individual participants were exclaimed. A majority of them is for Natsu, Gray, and (Y/N).

Time skip ~~ brought to you by Nina and Alexander's inseparable nature! (Fullmetal Alchemist reference)

Your POV
        The participants look to the Lacrima screen to see the battles that will commence. 

"First person to chose a ship is Freed Justine, who chose the Quatro Cerebus ship. He will be facing the participant who chose the Sabertooth ship. We will reveal the participant in a minute."

"Second person to chose a ship is Levy McGarden, who chose the Sabertooth ship. The battle will be Freed Justine and Bickslow vs Levy and Gajeel." he announced. Oh man, Freed and Bickslow will be tough opponents. But Gajeel is no slouch either.

"Third person to chose a ship is Elfman. He chose Mermaid Heel's ship. He will be facing the S-Class Wizard Mirajane." he announced. Oh man, he has to face his sister again. I doubt they could pull off their stunt from last time. I heard they told Mirajane they were getting married to throw her off her game. 

"Fourth person to chose a ship is Natsu Dragneel. He chose Fairy Tail's ship. He will be facing the S-Class Wizard, Laxus Dreyar." he announced. Oh my goodness! I hope Natsu will be okay. Even though the S-Class Wizards were told to hold back a little, I do not know if Laxus will be holding back at all. And what about Happy? I just hope they will be okay.

"I am looking forward to that fight. And the next person to chose a ship is (Full Name). She chose the Cait Shelter ship. Uh? I've never heard of that guild before." the announcer said.

"It's the guild Wendy was in. It was later revealed the guild never existed. So Wendy joined the Fairy Tail guild." Yajima explained to Chapati.

"Aw, thank you for briefing me. And let's see, her ship was the unknown ship. It was either a lucky or unlucky ship. So let's see. Uh? OH MY GOSH! SHE'S FIGHTING AGAINST THE STRONGEST FAIRY TAIL WIZARD, GILDARTS CLIVE!" Chapati exclaimed. The crowd erupted that almost shook the stadium.

"Truly a match of the century." the King said. I saw Yajima and the Princess with worried expressions on their face.

"Aw, that will be an exciting match. But I hope Gildarts won't harm her so much that she will be unable to perform her breath-taking songs." Chapati said as he took deep breaths to calm down. 

"And let's not forget about her cat, Krystal. Though she is highly skilled, I hope she takes care of (Y/N) and vice versa." Yajima commented. Princess Hisui nodded in agreement.

"I'm not a cat. I'm a purple fox. And I will take care of my partner." Krystal muttered under her breath. I heard her say it and I smiled. I will make sure Krystal won't get hurt.

"Now why don't we announce the rest of the battles. The next person who chose a ship is Gray Fullbuster. He chose Lamia Scale's guild ship. He will be facing the participant who chose theBlue Pegasus ship." the announcer said.

"And the participant who chose Blue Pegasus is the Water Wizard, Juvia Lockser." Yajima said. Wait what? Gray will go against Juvia?

"Knowing Juvia, she'll probably either forfeit or get distracted by Gray. My prediction is that she will lose." Krystal said. Well, who wins, no hard feelings. Right?

"And the last person to chose a ship is Cana Alberona. She chose the Independent Guild, Crime Sorcière, ship. Her opponent is the last, and certainly not least, S-Class Wizard Erza Scarlet." Yajima announced.

"Oh my. Another breath-taking battle. The S-Class Wizard Exam Battles hasn't even started and I'm sweating." Chapati said as he wipes his forehead with a handkerchief. 

"These battles will show what Fairy Tail is about. I wish good luck to the participants and their partners." Yajima said.

"And may the best team win." the king proudly stated.

"Let the first battle commence!" Chapati exclaimed. The crowd can not wait any longer. They want to see the battle so desperately. My battle won't start until later on, so I'll go to cheer for my friends...

Time skip ~~ brought to you by Kuroko's passing skills or Kise's copycat ability (Kuroko no Basket reference)

Natsu's POV

"Uh oh. It looks like (Y/N) will be facing Gildarts. I feel sorry for her and Krystal." Happy said.

"Sorry? Are you kidding me?  She's so lucky. I wanted to face Gildarts. But at least I get to fight Laxus. It's a rematch I've been waiting for." I told Happy.

"You're not so lucky either Natsu." Happy said. It doesn't matter as long as I get to fight. I'm going to become the next S-Class Wizard. When I find Igneel, I'll be meeting him as a Fairy Tail S-Class Wizard...

Gray's POV
        Are you kidding me? Not only do I have to fight against Juvia, but now (Y/N) has to fight Gildarts? Natsu barley survived against Gildarts. And he made it through the first round based on Gildart's test. How is (Y/N) going to fight Gildarts when she never actually meet him. 

"Hey Gray, are you going to rooting for (Y/N) during her battle?" Loke asked me. I kept staring at the ground. My fist clenched and I gritted my teeth. How can (Y/N) be cool with this?

"I just hope (Y/N) won't suffer greatly. I'd hate to see her cry in tears." I told Loke. 

"I don't know if she'll pass or not, but I believe Gildarts won't kill her. He should hold back. After all, he is a dad. He must know to treat a lady with care. Besides, I bet she'll be really happy if you watch and support her." Loke suggested. He does have point. I still want to support her in any way I can.

Loke and I headed out to see the upcoming battles. Regardless if (Y/N) makes it or not, I will become an S-Class Wizard. This should decide on who she wants to be with and it's definatley not Lyon. I won't lose to him. Even if we are Ul's students...

Time skip ~~ brought to you by Miku's obsession in leeks (VOCALOID reference) 

Lyon's POV
        How can this have happened? (Y/N) is going against the strongest Fairy Tail Wizard? I've heard he's just as strong as Jura. And he's not even an S-Class Wizard. 

"This should be interesting to watch. I wonder how the Maiden of Ice will fair against Fairy Tail's strongest wizard." Yuka said beside me. How can he call her that in such an indecent tone. He's saying 'Maiden of Ice' in such a horrible manner.

"WIN PRETTY ICE PRINCESS!" Toby exclaimed. 

"Here we go again. Toby, you don't need to shout. Besides, should you really call (Y/N) 'pretty ice princess' when Lyon is standing right next to you?" Yuka asked him. I feel Tobi's gaze on me. He's taken a back. He should since he's just called my (Y/N) 'pretty  ice princess'. She's more that that. She's an Ice Queen. I want to marry her and become her Ice King.

I felt a large hand on my shoulder. I look to see Jura standing next to me.

"Don't worry. (Y/N) will be fine. She definitely has spirit and talent. She's been around Natsu for quite a while. Even though they are not related by blood, she has inherited his strength and determination. If he can give us  a tremendous performance, then so can (Y/N). I bet she wishes to see you here supporting her all the way." Jura told me. It made me smile to hear his words.

Although, what did he mean (Y/N) was around Natsu for quite a while. Oh no. Don't tell me Natsu is trying to take away my soulmate!

"I meant she's been around Natsu like the teammates are." Jura muttered under his breath.

Extended Ending

Time skip ~~ brought to you by Kyo's temper (Fruits Basket reference)

Krystal's POV
        I was walking to meet up with (Y/N) before our match. 

"Um, Krystal." I heard a familiar voice from behind. I smiled as I knew who the handsome Exceed was. I turned around to see Lily. 

"Hey Lily." I said sweetly. Bright red cheeks appeared on his face. I love how I manage to make him blush. 

"Um, I just wanted to wish you good luck on your fight. The battle against Gildarts won't be easy. I hope you won't have too many injuries." he said.

"No one said it will be easy. To be honest, I figured the Cait Shelter ship would be the mystery ship. Even though I told (Y/N), I still let her chose. Partially, this is my fault we're in this battle. And I'm going to make up for it by giving it all we got." I told him in confidence. He nodded in smiled.

"Well, I'll be rooting for you from the stands. Whether you win or lose, promise me you'll be safe." Lily said.

"I promise." I said. I walked over to him to give him a peck on a cheek when...

"Oh my goodness, is that Miss Krystal?" I heard an unfamiliar voice said. Lily and I turned to see a light green Exceed wearing a pair of glasses. He comes up to me and takes my paw into his.

"Please to meet you, my lady. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Samuel. I work for the Legion Corps. I've always admired you from afar, so I've come by to wish you and your partner, also know as (Full name), best of luck on your journey." Samuel said. Oh my, such a gentleman. But, hum, how long was he admiring me from afar?

Lily came in front of me.

"What are you doing here, Sammy?" Lily said angrily. Sammy? 

"I thought I told you not to call me that. In the future, please don't interrupt. It's considered very rude." Samuel said. He pushed Lily out of the to face me.

"What! You're the one who interrupted." Lily said.

"I hope you don't mind, but I brought to a little something to show my admiration for a very beautiful Exceed such as yourself. If I calculated correctly, your favorite flowers are red tulips. I wish to present to you this bouquet of freshly picked red tulips, grown with precise and accurate calculations to make them truly shine." Samuel said as he gave me the most beautiful buch of red tulips I've ever seen.

"Oh my. Well, thank you so much Mr. Samuel. I'm rather touched by your generosity and kindness." I told him.

"Please, call me Samuel, my lady." he said as he took my hand to give it a kiss. 

"OI, DON'T GO FLIRTING WITH SOMEBODY'S GIRLFRIEND! GO FIND YOUR OWN!" Lily shouted. I've never seen him boiling with rage.

"You're right. Tell me, Miss Krystal. Would you like to accompanying me for dinner some time? I'd really think it's wise we'd get better acquainted before this relationship can be more taking to the next level." Samuel said casually. Wait, What?

"I'd rather be in a thunderstorm before I let you take away my lover." Lily said. I blushed when he called me that.

Next thing I knew, the two of the start fighting. I really had to go meet up with (Y/N), so I left those two to brawl. Oh no, I can't believe even I ended up in a love triangle like (Y/N). Unlike her, I already decided who I wish to be with...

Let It Go, The Maiden of IceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon