Two Dates on the Same Day

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Time skip ~~ brought to you by Italy's Hair Curl! (Hetalia reference)

 Your POV

    I woke up with the sunlight shining through my (F/C) curtains. I remember I have a date Gray today, but I also have a date with Lyon (even though I was going to tell him I already have a date). Regardless, I'm going to have to tell the both of them. 

Lucy and Krystal were helping me get ready for my date. I wore a (choice of oufit) with matching shoes. Lucy summoned Cancer to give me a (choice of hairstyle). As always, I wore the pendant Gray gave me. I only take it off when I'm showering or going swimming. I don't want it to rust. Lucy and Krystal added a few touches of make-up on. I hardly ever use make-up, but they recommended since I'm going on a date. 

"Alright (Y/N), you're all done. You look smoking hot." Lucy said. I blushed a bit when I looked in the mirror.

"Are you sure? I feel like I'm trying to hard." I asked her. She shook her head.

"Not al all. Now go out there and show Gray your natural beauty. When he picks you up, I want to see his expression." Lucy told me. I smiled and hugged her, thanking her for her help. I turn to Krystal, but I see her head staring at the ground. I looked at her with a worried look.

"Krystal, what's wrong?" I asked her. She turned to me with a serious expression. She came to me and held my hand.

"Promise me you'll tell both of them the truth.  I know this isn't your fault on having two dates on the same day. The last thing I want for them to believe is you dating both of them. All I'm asking is for you to talk to them." Krystal said in a firm tone. I know firsthand how Krystal is serious. I wasn't going to let her down because she has a point.

"Okay. I'll talk to them." I said seriously. She held her expression for a moment, then she changed it to an adorable face.

"I know you will. We are buddies after all." she noted. I nodded my head once. 

"Aye!" I replied. I gave her the biggest hug I can give her (without squeezing the life out of her of course). I'll always have my buddy by my side. I hugged Lucy before I heard the door. I opened the door to see…

Time skip ~~ brought to you by Olaf's love of summer! (Frozen reference)

Gray's POV

    I can't believe I'm feeling anxious as I walked up to (Y/N) and Lucy's apartment. I even got dressed up for our date. I guess I went a little bit overboard wearing a red dress shirt, black dress pants, and a dark blue tie. However, I plan on giving her the best date of her life (teen though this is our first date). I just hope she'll accept me as her boyfriend.

I knocked on her door. It only took a moment to see (Y/N) opening the door. And when she did, I was left breathless. My eyes widened at the sight how cute she looked. Her face turned bright red. 

"Oh Gray, yo look so handsome. Sorry, I didn't dress so formal since I decided to wear (choice of outfit). If you want, I could quickly change into the dress I wore at he Fantasia Parade." she said as she was about to go back and changed. I grabbed her wrist before she could run back to her room and change.

Let It Go, The Maiden of IceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang