The Exciting Ryuzestu Land

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Time skip ~~ brought to you by America's burgers (Hetalia reference) 

3rd Person POV
        The last day of the S-Class Wizard Exam is on the horizon. Master Makarov decides to give the Fairy Tail guild a day off before the last day of the trial. As everyone thinks about how to spend the day off, (Y/N) and Krystal mention how they heard about a summer resort called Ryuzetsu Land. Master Makarov sweat drops as he remembered the last time Fairy Tail went there, Natsu blew up the resort... and Fairy Tail had to pay for all the damages. Since (Y/N) and Krystal never went to the resort, Master Makarov was willing to overlook it just this once. 

(Y/N) and Natsu will be teaming up to go against their chosen opponents, Sting and Rogue, for a chance to become the next S-Class Wizards. It made Natsu even more determine to spend the day with (Y/N). After all, Fairy Tail is not the only guild to go the resort...

Time skip ~~ brought to you by EXO’s shaking pants!!! (EXO reference) 

Your POV
        Krystal and I went shopping for swimsuits in the morning. She picked out a cute one-piece swimsuit that looked like a sailor's uniform. Meanwhile, I decide to stick to a simple (f/c) one piece swimsuit. The girls insisted on me wearing a bikini, but I really don't feel like wearing one. I feel more comfortable in one-piece suits.

When we arrived at the resort, Natsu immediately grabbed my arm and headed for the water train. I tried to warn him not to, but he wasn't listening. At first, it was quite enjoyable... until the sudden wave of motion sickness hit us. That's why I was trying to tell Natsu. Luckily, we were able to get off without any trouble. 

        "Sorry about that, (Y/N). I'm just really excited for tomorrow. I wanted us to train together for the match, but you told us how you never been here. So today, you and I will spend the day together." Natsu explain. I couldn't help but smile. He is a bit weird, but he truly is like a big brother to me. 

        "Oi Natsu, stop hogging (Y/N) to yourself. When do I get the chance to hang out with her?" a voice spoke. We turn to see our opponents for tomorrow.  

        "Sting! Rogue!" I exclaim. Sting smiles at me while Rogue nods as a way to greet us. Oh man, I did not expect them to come here. 

        "Hey you guys, did you guys really want to have the match right now? As much as I like to fight you guys right now, I promise (Y/N) I'd hang out with her. But tomorrow, we'll be fired up to kick your butts and become S-Class Wizards." Natsu boasts. Sting gives a smirk. 

        "You may have beaten us at the Grand Arc Games, but that was before Sabertooth was reborn. We are definitely not going easy on you guys." Rogue mentions as he smiles. 

        "I don't have a problem fighting you Natsu, but I feel kind of bad to fight against you, (Y/N)." Sting says as he winks at me. 

        "OI! DON'T GO FLIRTING WITH MY SISTER!" Natsu yelled at him. 

Time skip ~~ brought to you by Amaimon's love for candy (Blue Exorcist reference)

Natsu's POV
        Man, Sting really knows how to pick a fight with me. Don't tell me he wants to take my place as (Y/N)'s big brother. Whatever! If he wants to take my place, I'm not going to let me. Cause there's a fire in my belly that's raging to come out. 

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