Plan of Attack!

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Time skip ~~ brought to you by a pink head flirt (Blue Exorcist reference) 

3rd Person POV 

 "It's War! I'm gonna crush Tartaros, every single of 'em" Natsu exclaims while he is being held down on the ground. Max, Warren, Nab, and Jet were stopping Natsu from going on a rampage. 

 "Calm down, Natsu." Warren insists as he held him down. 

 "We all feel the same way." Jet says as he was holding Nastu firmly. 

 "Let me go, you jerk. I'm gonna kick your butt!" Natsu threatens as he kept pounding his free fist on the floor. 

 "You already have." Droy weakly mentions. The big guy was knocked out by Natsu when they tried restraining him the first time. Now the poor guy was beaten up with a missing tooth. 

 "They hurt our comrades. We can't take this lyin' down! Let's go on the offensive right away, Gramps!" Natsu argues. The entire guild hall was in ruins due to Natsu's outrage. 

 "I agree, but we don't have enough information to go on." Master Makarov explains. 

 "Tartaros. We don't even know their objective, and not even the Council knows the location of their headquarters." Erza states. 

 "That's right, Nastu! How are you going to attack when we don't even know where they are?" Warren asks him. Nastu is trying to budge out from the dog pile on top of him. He turns his angry expression at Warren. 

 "All we have to do is ask other dark guilds!" 

 "Where are the headquarters of the other dark guilds?" Nab asks him. Natsu turns to face Nab. 

 "Heck if I know!" 

 "Then we have nowhere to attack!" Jet scolds the cherry blossom haired wizard. Nastu grits his teeth, getting more ticked off at the point they make. As much as he wants to bash some Tartaros skulls, he couldn't do anything at the moment. 

 "The one thing I'm concern with is (Y/N). She was tearing up when she made the declaration of war at the same time you did." Max reminds Natsu. It took him a sudden realization when he mentions the Maiden of Ice. 

 Everyone look to see (Y/N) sitting one of the chairs that Natsu didn't destroy. Her clenched hands were on her lap. Tears were falling down her cheeks and onto her hands. 

 "(Y/N)." Krystal says her name with concern. 

 Your POV 

 Why? Why did something like this have to happen? Why is Tartaros doing this? What could be gain from all this destruction? 

 "(Y/N)." a gentle hand rests upon my shoulders. I look up for a moment before looking at the Ice Mage. "Now's not the time to be crying. We got to stay strong. You're officially an S-Class Wizard. Show us what it means to be act like one." Gray commands. Letting a few more tears drop, I move my head away to wipe them off. After composing myself, I stare straight into his grey eyes. 

 "You're right. Sorry about that." Gray gives me a light smile which I happily return. I stand up which forces him to remove his hand off my shoulder. "What's the plan of attack?" I ask. I couldn't help but notice everyone smiling in approval. Guess it's time to start growing up...

 Krystal's POV 

 It was made clear that members of Tartaros were attacking the current and former members of the Council. There must be something Tartaros wants that only the Council possesses. 

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