Ice Vs Water!

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Your POV

        Ever since my first job, I have been asked by other members of the guild to join them on their jobs. Krystal and I wanted to take a job by ourselves. We were starting at the request board, looking for another job. 

"Hey (Y/N), do you want to join your brother on a job?" Natsu came over and asked me.

"Actually, I wanted to take a job with Krystal. Sorry brother. Maybe next time." I said. He was in a depressed state. 

"Oh. I wanted to spend more time with my little sister." Natsu said in a saddened voice. He pouted cutely. I felt ashamed for making him sad. I don't want my guild members sad.

"Cut it out Natsu! You're going to make (Y/N) cry. And didn't you say we wanted to take a job request with me to help me get my rent money?" Lucy barked at Natsu. Realizing his promise, Natsu snapped out of his depression state.

"Oh you're right. Sorry Lucy." Natsu said. He turned to me. "And sorry (Y/N). I didn't make you feel bad. Next time, will you go on a job with me?" Natsu asked me. I smiled. "Of course. You're my brother after all." I said. Natsu was overjoyed.Lucy came over to me.

"You do know you're not related to him by blood, right?" Lucy asked me. 

"Yeah I know. But if it makes Natsu happy calling me his sister, then I'm happy." I explained to her. She smiled at me.

Natsu, Lucy, and Happy were looking for a job request to take. I scanned the board to find an simple job to take. After the performances I did, I earned a whole lot of money. I have enough to cover my rent money for a year. However, I'm not taking jobs to be rich and famous. I'm doing it because I want to help people. I want to be a big help and make Fairy Tail proud.

"Why don't you pick the job request since I chose the last one." I told Krystal. She nodded. I bet she's aching for some battles. It's been a while since we get to fight bad guys. She finally found one.

"How about this one? 160,000 jewels to take down some thieves. I have been aching for some practice." Krystal asked me. I nodded in agreement. I knew it. We told Mira the job we were taking. Master Makarov and Mira approved of it. 

As we were about to head out of the guild, something happened.

"WATER SLICER!" someone shouted as Krystal and I were attacked. The water was boiling hot. Krystal and I were wincing in pain on the ground. Everyone rushed to see what happened.

"Who hurt (Y/N)?" Natsu asked.

"I did." my attacker said. We all turned to see the who is was. I don't believe it.

"Juvia! What are you doing?" I asked her. She glared at me.

"WE WILL FIGHT FOR GRAY!" she exclaimed. What?

"We're all in the same guild. You guys shouldn't be fighting with each other." Mira exclaimed. 

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