Keep Moving Forward

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In another part of Tartaros, Natsu was surprised to see Sting and Rogue. The three of them were working together to fight Mard Geer Tartaros.

Meanwhile, Wendy met up with Lucy and the other members of Fairy Tail. She revealed to them how Face is still a threat. She was only able to destroy one Face, but there were at least thousands more Face statues still active. Wendy suggested Warren send a telepathic message to every wizard on the continent. However, Warren's telepathy magic can only go at a distance of 5km.

If things go sour, Master Makarov is set to release the ultimate plan of attack: Lumere Histoire. This plan will only be used as a last ditch resort as Lumere Histoire is Fairy Tail's biggest secret. Only the guild masters are allowed to know Lumere Histoire is Mavis Vermillion's body encased in crystal.

With Igneel in the sky battling Acnologia and Elsanna gathering allies, the battle between the three Dragon Slayers and Mard Geer is still underway.

Mard Geer is stilling in his throne while Rogue, Sting, and Natsu are unable to land a single critical hit upon Tartaros's master. Even with their most powerful attacks, Mard Geer is left without a scratch.

"He's strong." Sting notes.

"The three of us and still no effect?" Rogue asks.

"Natsu, are you alright?" Sting asks.

"Of course! A second-rate attack like that doesn't even scratch me." Natsu boasts.

"It seems you can fight on." Mard Geer remarks.

"You're damn right. This is a competition. I'm going to be the one who takes him out." Natsu states.

"You still remember that bet from earlier?" Sting and Rogue question in unison. They are both a bit angry on the fact he is hung up on the notion to see which of them will defeat Mard Geer first.

"No way I'm going to lose to you guys." Natsu grins with his sharp teeth.

When Sting asks Mard Geer on why he's planning to erase the world's magic from the Earth, Mard Geer responds by explaining how Zeref's creation of the demons was his wish to die from them. END was the ultimate demon to kill Zeref, but the seal on the book is locked due to magic. If magic is gone from the world, the seal will be broken. Thus, allowing END to break free and fulfill Zeref's wish to die.

With that said, Mard Geer stands up and makes his way over to the three Dragon Slayers.

"A battle to defeat Zeref?" Natsu spoke.

"And you involved humans in this business that has nothing to so with us!" Sting says.

"When you walk somewhere, do you go out of your way to avoid steeping on weeds in the path?" Mard Geer questions them. He uses his curse power to summon his plant thorns from the ground. Before Sting could get out a word, Mard Geer uses his thorns to strike at the Twin Dragons, knocking them a good distance.

"Sting! Rogue!" Natsu yells out for his friends. Mard Geer strikes at Natsu as the thorns strike him into one of the walls.

"Natsu!" Sting calls out to him. The Twin Dragon Slayers were caught up in a bind themselves. The plants from Mard Geer's curse power has a good solid vice grip. Sting and Rogue were struggling to break free.

"What is this?" Natsu asks. He gets up to see the growing plants. One of the plant stems blooms a rose bud with thorns wrapped around it. The little rose bud grows exponentially. It increased to the size of an elephant. It's preparing for an attack on Natsu.

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