Dragons in the Sky

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Your POV
The ground begins to tremble. No... it appears the Earth is shaken.

"What the...?" Natsu says. The rubble from the ruins are slowly tearing down. "Don't tell me...Face..."

Oh no.... is Face activating? I thought we stopped it!??

"This is only the beginning." Mard Geer speaks. The three of us gasp. I'm surprised he is not down and out from the direct blow. "The extinction of magic will soon become negative energy, and END will be revived. When the strongest Etherious comes back, you humans will have no magic to defend yourselves." He smirks.

We grit our teeths. How could have this have happen? We were so close saving the world of magic. Mard Geer closes his eyes and bears a smile to his face. Dang it!

"Dammit!!" Natsu exclaims in anger. Suddenly, a falling object crashes on impact into the ground. The object was a massive beast. We were all flabbergasted by the mere sight of the evil black and blue dragon. Mard Geer's eyes widen when he spotted him.

"Acnologia!" Gray points out. He was flat on the ground, not moving a single inch. A dragon claw stomps on Acnologia's chest.

"Don't give up, humans!" the red dragon tells is. Natsu gasps at the mere sight of it. I'm assuming by the red color and Natsu's reaction, this is Igneel.

3rd Person POV
Everyone in the wizarding guilds of Fiore tried to destroy the states of Face. However, there magic had no effect on it. To make matters worse, the Face activation slowly decays their magic energy. With all hope lost, it was not truly gone. For the white furred Wind Dragon, Grandeeney, soars to the sky and destroys a statue of Face in one wing attack.

"Grandeeney" Wendy notes, feeling her presence around the area. Grandeeney roars and continues to take flight to destroy the rest of the Face statues. The ground at the ruined Tartartos Headquarters shakes up. Gajeel also feels the presence of a familiar dragon in his past.

"Metallicana." he says to himself. A dragon with metal scales is seen flying to take down the Face statue target. He flies right in the middle, causing the statue to crumble down into dust.

"I sense Weisslogia. But he should be dead." Sting says.

"Skiadrum is here too?" Rogue wonders.

"Elsanna is helping us out. Thank you, mom." (Y/N) tears up a bit. The three named dragons are aiding in obliterating every single statue of Face. They are torn down in one attack from the dragons.

"The unleashed dragons are dancing in the sky over Ishgar." Igneel states. The five dragons can easily take them down in no time.

"It's a miracle." Wendy says. Every wizard is proud or shocked to have the aid of the dragons. The mere sight of a dragon is rare, but to have them as a savior is something else. Mard Geer is the only one who is shock at how the plan is crashing down by dragons.

"Awesome." Natsu cheerfully admires. His eyes glimmer in hope.

Grandeeney destroys the face statues around Mermaid Heel. Metallicana destroys the face statues near Lamia Scale. Wesslogia takes down several face statues with his wing attack. In the city of Crocus, Skiadrum tears down the face statues surrounding the area by trouncing on them. As for the face statues around the Quatro Cerebus guild, Elsanna freezes them before smashing them with her tail.

With the face statues obliterated one-by-one, the magic energy is replenished. Everyone has their magic energy restored. The dragons continue destroying every single statue until Face is no more.

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