Gray's Ending

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3rd Person POV

After Gray departures from Juvia, he returns home to think about what he plans to say to the Maiden of Ice. He knew she was hiding something. He plans to head over to apartment in the morning and invite her to a nearby cafe so they can talk about it.

What he did not realize is what Master Makarov revealed to the guild on the disbandment of the Fairy Tail guild. No one expected him to call it quits. Everyone pleaded Master Makarov to reconsider his idea. It was all futile to hear the pleads as Master Makarov has officially disbanded the Fairy Tail.

(Y/N) sits underneath the tree in South Gate Park. Distraught at how the Master could make a huge decision like this upsets her. After all the trouble they went through to fight against Tartaros, the war was far from over. She was sitting alone by herself with her forehead resting against her knees.

"It's not like you to be moping around since you were declared war against Tartaros." (Y/N) looks over to see Gray standing next to her. "May I sit here?" He point to the open spot next to her. She pats her hand down on the ground, inferring him to sit. He takes his seat next to her.

"(Y/N), you said something about END. You didn't want me to destroy it. Why?" (Y/N) remained silent for a few moments. She bit her lips.

"I can't tell you that."

"Why?" Gray ask. He was getting a bit upset, but he knew he had to keep cool. Otherwise, she won't explain herself is she feels his anger.

"Because you would not be able to understand it right now. If I just tell you now, you won't believe me." Gray places a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"That's not true. I always believed in you." Gray encourages. (Y/N) looks him in the eyes.

"Tell me, why didn't you give Natsu the book when I specially told you to give it to him?" Gray was speechless. He slowly removes his hand away.

"I... ugh..." he shows signs of hesitation. (Y/N) stands up from her spot and stares down at Gray.

"Because you wanted to finish your father's work right? Because you believe END is evil." Gray is still in bewilderment. He thought why (Y/N) was being so defensive of END when it was responsible for creating the demon that killed his parents and Ul. He stands up abruptly.

"It is evil! It was responsible for all this chaos. It's Zeref's creation, and my father wanted it to be destroyed." Gray yells directly in her face.

"Well maybe you wouldn't be saying that if it meant costing Natsu his life!" (Y/N) yells back, letting the words slip through her mouth. Her eyes were just as wide as Gray's eyes.

"Wh-What do you mean by that?" he questions. (Y/N) turns around to hide in shame. She felt like an idiot for spilling the truth.

"END stands for Etherious Natsu Dragneel." she explains.

"How do you know something like that?" She rubs the back of her neck.

"Zeref contacted my mother in her previous life. The life she had before she turned into a demon by that necromancer from Tartaros. She told me how he needed me to become an Ice Dragon Slayer." They stood in their places for a few minutes. It was only a light breeze that seemed to move in that moment.

"I don't..." Before Gray could complete his thoughts, (Y/N) angrily snaps.

"Of course you don't believe me! I told you that you wouldn't. That's why I wanted to wait for the right time to tell you. Now you probably think I'm a loon or just insane." She points a finger at Gray. "Don't you dare tell anyone else what I just said. And leave me the hell alone." She places her hand down and starts to walk away in anger until the Ice Devil Slayer roughly grabs her wrist. (Y/N) looks back to see Gray with a serious look in his eyes.

"Don't go putting words in my mouth because you didn't hear me out." Gray lets her go when she calmed down from her accusations. "I was going to say I don't know how I should feel about this." (Y/N) was about to say something back, but Gray motioned for her to stop and listen. "You're right about wanting to tell me about this on a later date, but now that I know... I don't know what to believe anymore."

"Well, just don't say anything. And I hope no one else within an earshot heard me. As for now, all I want to do is be alone. With Fairy Tail disbanded, I need to decide what to do next."

"You planning on joining Lamia Scale or something?" Gray asks her. She shakes her head without hesitation.

"While I can find work if I join another guild, but Fairy Tail has always been my home. I was thinking of going on a journey like Natsu did, but I could also go back to my home country if it's still there." Gray comes closer to her. He takes her into her arms and embraces her. Even though Gray is an ice wizard, she felt a warmth feeling from his hug.

"I want you to come with me." (Y/N)'s eyes widen.

"W-What are you saying?" she questions. Gray smiles sadly.

"Man, do I have to spell it out for you? I thought you were supposed to be bright." Gray joked. (Y/N) looks at Gray with a cute angry pout. Guiding her face closer to his own, Gray surprises (Y/N) with a light kiss. He broke it off to see a delightful pink blush across her face."Care to join me for some training."

"B-But, what about Juvia?" (Y/N) asks. Gray takes a deep sigh. What ever shall he do?

Things went better than Gray thought. After talking things over with Juvia, she still wanted to come training with Gray, (Y/N), and Krystal. They decided to live in a small hut in Amefurashi Village. Things were a little rough in the beginning whenever Juvia was battling against (Y/N). It was like she was intentional trying to kill her. However, Lyon and Juvia were writing letters to each other and started to really get to know each other.

Gray suddenly left Juvia and (Y/N) after six months. Strange dark markings suddenly spread across his body. They have not made contact after Gray's departure. That's when Juvia felt blue and caused rain everyday for the next six months. It was a lucky break when Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, Charle and Happy reunited with them. Unfortunately, Juvia felt gravely ill. While Wendy and Charle attended to Juvia, it was revealed that Gray pretended to join a dark guild called Avatar in order to investigate activities involving Zeref. Along with Erza, Gajeel, Pantherlily, and Levy, as well as a recovered Juvia, Wendy, and Charle, the team were able to defeat Avatar.

After that, they went to gather everyone else and reform Fairy Tail. Things were only getting started when they recover Master Makarov to be inform that the Alvarez Empire, led by Zeref, wanted to take the Lumen Histoire for themselves and destroy Fiore. The war against them was long and difficult, but Fiore managed to beat them. Celebration did not occur long until Acnologia shows up to take down the Dragon Slayers. When Natsu finally defeats Acnologia with the help of his friends, peace occurred once again.

It was X793 when Lucy was declared best selling author for her book series. She wrote all about the adventures of Fairy Tail. Gray and (Y/N) had dated during that year while Juvia and Lyon dated for about seven months. She was glad to see her friends happy with no bitterness between those four.

Several more years have passed until the Fairy Tail guild were welcoming more children into the guild. Gray and (Y/N) were happily married with a daughter named (D/N) Ultear Fullbuster. Natsu and Lucy were happily married as well with a son named Igneel Jude Dragneel and a daughter named Layla Anna Dragneel. Needless to say, it was quite a show to see Natsu and Gray bickering when the guildmates mentioned about their kids dating each other.

With so many fond memories, it is something to truly hold dear to your heart. It is something you can never let it go...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2017 ⏰

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