
298 19 22

Reading time: 21 minutes

Warning: a bit of swearing, anxiety, my headcanons, my grammar
TW: blood and lots of death at the beginning, vomiting, self-doubting


The sky was dark gray.

If one would look up, they'd immediately notice it wasn't covered in real clouds, but smoke ones.

And if they turned they gaze trying to ignore the situation, they would smell it.

And if they didn't smell it, they would hear the pained and panicked screams.

And if they covered their ears, they would feel it, feel the fire slowly creeping on them and slowly consuming their body as they focused on blocking everything out instead of running away.

And if they somehow managed to survive the fire, the monster that started all this hell would get them.

There was no running away from that Thing.

Not when it could create something out of nothing.

Not when nothing seem to hurt or even slow this Thing down.

No one was safe.

Kiko was the last of his kind to survive this mess, all the people, all the dragons were slaughtered by that monstrosity in one way or another.

He wasn't one to take orders, he had only a little over 1000 years after all, of course he'd he a little rogue! But he wasn't emotionless, and so, when he heard screams of people he recognized as direct family and cries of a baby he rushed in to help. He might not learned to obey, nor was he old enough to reach his full potential but 1000, even for a dragon of his breed, was enough to tell the difference between small humans and older humans, and he was smart enough to figure out which one was more vulnerable.

He quickly located the baby and run towards it.

You coughed.

Holy shit, that's a lot of smoke.

Kiko whimpered while nuzzling into your chest. Yeah, it was good time to move. "C'mon, Ki—" You cut yourself off with another coughing fit. You looked at your hand, it had blood on it. You should definitely leave, and now.

You slowly got up, this time not wasting air on obvious stuff, and started to look for a way out. The house you were in was on fire, big surprise there, how else there would be so much smoke and be too hot for comfort? The fire made the house collapse into itself, blocking most of the ways and holding the danger over your head, literally. However, you did managed to spot a way and you went in that direction as quickly as you could, running was out of the question, you already suffered from lack of oxygen.

The only escape route was small, big enough for Kiko to safely go through but not really for you. You motioned the dragonling to go but he refused, poking your leg instead and growling a little. You didn't have time for this, so you did your best to squeeze between the debris and get out on the other side, you burned yourself in the process but at least you were free. You looked through the hole and soon Kiko zoomed over to you.

Even though you were safer on the outside, the inside of the house was definitely way less horrid. Every building in the nearest are was on fire, but not just your average fire, purple fire, making everything twice as dark ad it already was with the dark clouds covering the sun. All around there were dead people, and some dragons, of all ages. Some trapped under the collapsed buildings, some impelled with some weird purpleish crystals, most of them were losing parts of their bodies, whether it was limbs or parts of their limbs, or even skin. The dragons were no better, all of them looked like bags of meat covered in blood with most of the organs out, no live in them left to save.

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