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The first thing the Azur Lane fleet saw when they came out of the light is that they are no longer in the mirror sea but in a frozen place.

Me: Due to the magnetic disturbances we would say that we are at the north pole.

On the other hand, the Royal Navy girls are at a very important conference to talk about what just happened.

London: Yes, when the mirror sea area collapsed, it seems that it has caused this entire area to be very unstable.

Hood: (Worried) Was it all caused by the sirens?

Wales: The Sakura empire's Orochi project and everything collapsing when Kitty Hawk shot down Akagi, I think she was the cause of all this.

QE: To thwart whatever the sirens are up to, we can't allow the Sakura empire to escape.

On the other hand, the Eagle Union fleet looked scared at the dimensional distortion.

Me: Uwua, how scary and thinking that all this could collapse at any moment makes my blood run cold.

Cleveland: Ooooh! Kitty Hawk!

Me: Hi girls.

In that Cleveland and her sisters arrive near Kitty Hawk and then they begin to see a distortion that has opened very close to them.

Me: We're lucky it doesn't pull us, thank goodness it's not like a black hole.

Columbia: Black hole?

Me: Yes, celestial bodies that have a very powerful gravitational power and that everything that is close to it is absorbed, it is so powerful that it is known that not even light is safe from its destructive power.

Columbia: (terrified) Really? Where is one?

Me: (Giggles) Don't worry, the closest one is hundreds of thousands of light years away.

Columbia: Light years? How is that measured?

Me: Do you know about the speed of light?

Columbia: Yes, more or less.

Me: So 1 light year = one year of travel traveling at light speed.

Columbia: That means it would take thousands of years of traveling at the speed of light to reach a black hole close to us.

Me: Indeed, well, we are getting off track, I meant that this dimensional fault reminds me a lot of a black hole that I saw in a movie, although in real life that celestial body is invisible since it absorbs light, so it is invisible.

Cleveland: Sugoi, that sure is terrifying.

Me: Unless you have special instruments that are capable of detecting radiation it would be impossible for you to detect it and when you realize it, it's too late to escape. XD

Denver: What would happen next?

Me: No idea, no one has survived one, but the scariest thing is when you survive and manage to escape, when you come back it's been over a century.

Denver: (Pale) Really!?

Me: Did you know that manipulating gravity makes you travel through time?

Cleveland: (cheerfully) Then I can go back in time to fix all the embarrassing things I did!

Me: Impossible, you can only jump in the future, not the past, the more gravity there is in a place, the slower your time passes, the less gravity there is, the faster time passes. This is how time travel works using the time lag of a black hole, but let's not deviate from the X2 topic.

Azur Lane: A hawk catWhere stories live. Discover now