Rescue Breaths

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Wilbur's POV

The world seemed to spin around me as I stared at my screen, unable to process this huge piece of information. Questions screamed at my brain.

I'm a doe? Why did the doctor slip testosterone into my medicine? And most importantly... I can get pregnant?

I won't lie- I was staggered. I was so staggered that the words on my phone went blurry, my friends' voices became muffled, and the lights in the room faded to a dim glow. My vision went black.

Quackity's POV

"Wilbur!" My voice came out panicked as Wilbur's head lolled to the side and his eyes closed. His whole body collapsed and fell onto the floor. A loud bang was heard when Wilbur hit his head on the floor. His right antler snapped from impact. "WILBUR!" cried Tommy.

I bent down and lifted his head onto my lap. "Is he OK?" asked Tommy worriedly, hovering over me and his older-brother figure. Tubbo bent down and grabbed Wilbur's wrist to checked his heartbeat. "His heart is still beating..."

"He's breathing," I noted with relief, inspecting his slowly rising and falling chest. "Let's bring him to my room," offered Sapnap.

Together, me and Sapnap carefully picked Wilbur up between us. I tucked Wilbur's broken antler into my pocket and we quickly went up the stairs and plopped the unconscious man onto Sapnap's bed. "Damn he's heavy," Sapnap remarked while panting, beads on sweat trickling down his forehead. "Yeah," I agreed, rubbing the back of my neck with my shirt, which was coated with perspiration.

"I'll watch him," I said. "Get out." Sapnap reluctantly walked out of his room. "OK, just don't touch the picture of me and Karl over ther-" "I know, I know." I shooed Sapnap out and closed the door.

I sat down on Sapnap's chair and watched Wilbur. His brown hair covered one eye and his antlers -the fake ones- were nearly touching the bed's headboard. Me and Sapnap had to place Wilbur's head in the middle of the bed so his antlers would have space.

Wilbur looked peaceful; a small, sweet smile curved his lips and his breathing was relaxed. His black fingernails were a shade darker than my midnight-black wings.

A few minutes later, Wilbur stirred and opened his eyes drearily. "W-What? Quackity, is that you?"

I treaded my way across the room and sat on the bed. "Yeah, Wilbur, it's me," I whispered softly. "How do you feel?"

"Fine..." murmured Wilbur softly. His eyes suddenly went wide and his hands flew to his head as he sat up. "Where's my antler?" he asked in a panic.

I looked at him apologetically and hesitantly withdrew the broken antler from my pocket. "It snapped when you hit your head on the floor."

Wilbur took the antler with trembling hands. "It... broke?" He lightly touched the antler with the tip of his finger and it crumbled into bits. He clutched his head. "Quackity..."

I grasped his wrists. Normally he would've pulled away, but he just let me squeeze them lightly. "What's wrong?" "My head... it hurts..." Wilbur slurred, gasping for breath.

"Wilbur. Wilbur!" I yelled. "DREAM! SAPNAP! ANYONE! GET UP HERE!"

Wilbur fell to the floor and his limbs started to uncontrollably jerk, his eyes staring into space. He opened his mouth but no sound came out except for one word. "What?" He stopped flailing around and went still. My heart nearly stopped.

"Wilbur!" I screamed, fumbling for his wrist. 

His heart wasn't beating. It had stopped.

Tommy burst through the door with Tubbo following closely behind. "WIL!" they both cried out. Tubbo's knees gave out and he tumbled to the floor, his eyes wide and filling with tears of fright.

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