So Much

211 12 32

Quackity's POV

I miserably trudged back to the hospital and to Wilbur's side, my head hanging low, my tail drooping. 

I was in love with Wilbur - I knew now. But what if Wilbur found out? What if he didn't feel the same way?

I entered Wilbur's room and sat by his side, reaching for his hand. When I touched it, his hands were icy cold, yet relaxed.

"Wilbur," I whispered. "Wake up. I need you."

Then his finger twitched. 

My eyes widened I yelled, "DOCTOR!"

Dr. Fay sprinted in, a worried expression on her face. "What's wrong?" "His finger twitched!" I exclaimed. "Is he awake?"

Dr. Fay bent over Wilbur and after a while, she turned to me and said, "He's still unconscious, but he has a chance of waking up sooner, if he's already showing signs of movement this quickly."

I slumped. It was bad news, but it wasn't good either. Then the monitor beeped. Slowly at first, then it stopped. Dr. Fay relaxed, but as soon as she did, the monitor started to beep again, much more quicker this time. It was frantic beeping.

Dr. Fay yelled, "His heart rate is dropping! Sir, please exit!" I looked at the screen.

70 bpm...

61 bpm...

45 bpm...

33 bpm...

A nurse ran in and two others started to drag me out. "WILBUR!" I cried, my arm reaching out for him. "His heart's stopped!" Dr. Fay yelled.

I froze and the two nurses dragged me out with ease, now that I was unresisting. I watched as the door slammed shut and the two nurses gently seated me on a chair outside. "Sir, would you like anything to eat or drink?" a nurse asked kindly. "You've sat by the patient's side for hours without drinking or eating."

I mumbled, "Just water."

The nurses nodded and walked off, giving me a sympathetic smile and nod.

I buried my head in my hands, feeling warm tears fall out of my eyes again. I didn't bother to wipe them away, but just let them blur my vision and trickle down my arms.

The doctor soon opened the door, announcing, "He's OK. You can go in now, sir." I said nothing but just stood up and numbly walked over to Wilbur. I grabbed his cold hands and held them tightly in my own tear-stained ones. I sat down on the chair beside the bed.

A nurse came in with my glass of water and set it on the small table beside the bed and sent me a gentle smile before exiting.

"I swear, you're doing this on purpose so people will cry over you," I said with a quiet chuckle, my voice raspy with crying. I used one hand to grab my glass of water and sipped it before setting it back on the table, my other hand not letting go of Wilbur's.

"I love you, Wilbur. I love you, I love you, I love you," I repeated, blinking away tears. "I love you so much."

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

Author's Note: idk why but my index finger hurts? its not like the skin but the bones that hurt

i had an essay to write at school today and while writing my finger hurt like a BITCH

even worse im participating in my school's tug of war tmr :/

btw i had a inspiration moment at school for dsmp x hogwarts and i was so inspired i got out a book and started scribbling down all the characters' names and backgrounds

my friend saw me writing the word 'tubbo' and now she wont leave me alone on why im writing it

anyways stay safe and see u guys next chapter :)


Word Count: 597

Purr For Me (DNF)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz