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(Ethan's POV)

Finally, now, it was time for me to do my usual run.

Life as King wasn't as hard as I had originally thought. I'm not governing everything in the world, as the humans do their own things, we just have to keep an eye on them. Our money isn't a problem either, because we live off the interest of what we already have. My packs are my children and they also help me with a certain different part for each of them. Just like the 'Heed and call pack', the other packs on Sollace do the same in a different way. Well, that's if we need their help...

With each pack having their leader and I as the law, a lot of my work is done by them. The problem was, I was the one that had to make all the hard decisions that others didn't want to make...

...And that could be painful sometimes...

If an Alpha had caught rogues but was unable to kill them, because one or two of them ended up being the mate in one of their packs, the matter would come to me to decide.

If a pack is threatened by another pack, if a pack wants to move states, if an Alpha is 'deemed unfit'...

But, all in all, my job still gave me quite some leisure time and I was able to enjoy some time off from being the King. It was the best part of my day!

On my time off, I did not have to be strong, I did not have to give the impression that I was the most domineering Shifter in the world. I didn't have to be...Someone that I wasn't...It all was built into me, that I was not the type to be the King, most likely because I was an Omega...

Running towards a usual place, where I was going to take a swim, I made my chocolate looking wolf run faster. If I had been a small wolf, it would have been a lot easier to find out if I was really an Alpha or not, but luckily, because of the blood of being royal, I was quite a big wolf, easily looking down at a grown man standing. If someone knew the royal's wolves very well in the past, they would still see a difference though, because I was still smaller then that of my father...That is what Owen tells me, so I can't go public with my wolf, and so far, I haven't had too. So, within the palace grounds, I was able to shift...But, that was all...

My wolf was intimidating, having accepted becoming King a long time ago. He calls me weak sometimes, but I don't care. His name was Austorious and he and I seemed to be opposites, yet, obviously, we still cared for one another...He might call me weak but he'd been with me every step of the way to this present day...

I had worked endlessly hard to have a strong structure and be a good fighter.

Owen hated that I had no natural talent with anything, that I was just able to do everything. I was a good fighter, not great...I was not dumb, but not smart...I was somewhat emotional, yet could hold no emotions at all sometimes...

I was very average.

Even though Owen didn't like that aspect about me, but he was still proud of me, and since he was the only one that showed me his pride for me, I felt fortunate to have at least one person on my side. Officially, he was my Beta, considering that I could not 'trust' anyone else, but he was also my Gamma, my brother and the father that I never had...

Jumping straight into the water bed ahead of me, I shifted back to my naked human self and resurfaced from under the water...

After a little swim, I'll go check on my boy, I thought, as I floated on top of the surface of the water and looked up at the sky.

My boy was my joy in my life. He was lucky to have been born!

Nothing had happened between the Queen and I for four years, having married her at 33. Owen had then used my heat to try to get her to get pregnant, having heard that it could work that way.

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