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Ethan's POV

Now that I think back, to the time that I did not care, Chance had often grumbled in the first two days of my being in his room so much with Damien, but now...Now it seems that Chance has grown a lot more fond of Damien and I find myself smiling often at them having their wolf moments.

I had wanted to shift to my wolf, but apparently it wasn't a good idea, so Damien had been the one that played with Chance, shifting to his big, grey wolf...But he was a little tougher than I was...

I might have made things hard for my baby boy, but Damien made things extremely hard!

What made things really strange to me, was that Chance didn't give up like he did with me and seemed to become even more determined!

Was it an Alpha thing? Or was it a Damien thing?

Whatever it was, I enjoyed watching the two together very much!

Letting out a laugh to Chance being on his two back feet and still not able to get over Damien's wolf, I see Damien look at me and put his wolf nose in the air.

A feeling of curiousness entered into my thoughts from his and I looked back at him in question...

He shook his head and got up, shaking his fur and came closer to me.

Feeling more curiosity from his thoughts, we were then interrupted with Chance biting Damien's tail!

Without further ado, Damien turned and dealt with the little boy, who ran away to hide in small spaces...

That same day, one of the workers in the palace had come here to 'check on me' but...Both Damien and I concluded quickly that he was not to come in just to see me.

Damien did not let the person pass through the door and I ended up yelling out that I was fine and that I did not need anything.

All these days, Damien had gotten anything I needed, and we were already keeping to ourselves a lot but now...Now that someone had come protruding upon our space, I demanded that Eleanor was to stay with us longer and that she was not to talk to anyone about anything from this point onward...

It looked like...We were being watched and that Owen wanted to know even more!

Was he waiting for me to kill myself? Has he already tried to somehow get some information from Eleanor?

Well, he's just going to have to be out of touch with this specific area of the palace!

Luckily, we have not seen much of Owen and I demanded he leave every time that he had come, so we were sure that he probably wanted to place some type of hidden camera in here, so that he could see what we were up to...Or something like that...


Two days later, we impatiently waited for the doctor to return.

I was eager, knowing that things had gone a lot better and I could even stand for a few minutes!

Things were looking brighter and brighter every day!

But then, why was Damien so restless!?

Seeing him pace backwards and forwards, I was questioning why I was locked out of his thoughts from time to time!

Did he not see that I was fine!?

...I was stomped!

Knowing that I was getting better, it had been weird that sometimes Damien was shutting me out...So, I had panicked at first and did not get my hopes up...But that had only lasted for a few hours before I had gotten up and walked a few steps once again!

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