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(Damien's POV)

That's right! I don't trust you!

The old, sly fox laughed at me then and shook his head, "A real nut case indeed!"

Staring at him, acting this way, I then walked past him and stopped at the door, "You...I will find out your secret!"

Then I walked out!

Ever since meeting this 'Beta Owen' I had a strange niggling feeling about him.

I questioned him very much. How did he get his position? How did he find Ethan, an Omega, a child from another woman and not the King's mate? Why does he act the way he does?

I was sure, that it may look like he might have 'the King's' well being at heart, but I could not believe it to be real!

Yes, I was questioning him very much!

Following the scent of my precious mate, I found myself outside and I ran out to see that he must have done laps.

...I worried about the dirt around here, thinking that he might be in danger, I frowned.

I never worried so much about anyone in my life, until my precious mate...Until my Ethan...

Oh, how mum and dad are going flip when they find out my mate is the King! It's been months since I've seen them, I wondered where they were now...

It was common knowledge to all Shifters, that retired Alpha's were welcomed to travel anywhere within the continent.

...So...My father could be anywhere...

I thought about my younger sister and realised that she should be sixteen now, I had missed wishing her a happy birthday...

Putting a hand through my hair, feeling bad, I promised to myself that I will get in contact with my parents and sister very soon, hopefully showing off my mate to them at the same time...

I smiled to myself, it really did feel like a miracle had happened! No wonder I call my mate, the King, precious!

No doubt about it, my parents are going to be speechless and shit their pants!

I let out a laugh, continuing on following my most favourite scent.

We also had to figure out what we were going to do with my pack. I don't want to be away from my sweetheart if I can help it...Especially with that old fart hanging around, pretending to be the King in the background!

Perhaps I'll get my pack to find out about this guy, especially since not many rogues are out these days...Mmm, that's a great idea!

Having not marked Ethan yet, I was unable to speak through a mind link. Oh, I couldn't wait...

I wanted to be connected to him in every way possible!

Seeing a chocolate wolf laying down, with a paw over it's face, I knew it was my mate, but was he was sad or sleeping?

...It breaks my heart to see him this way...

Remembering 'Beta Owen's' words, I sighed and then narrowed my eyes...I guess I'm just going to have to show him all over again at how great we are together!

Running up to him, I dived into his wolf and cuddled him, I was never going to let him go!

(Ethan's POV)

When I smelt my mate, I didn't have the courage to move to acknowledge him.

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