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(Ethan's POV)

Yes, my past held quite a number of curses, and most of them were directed at my current Beta. As much as I had apologized, as I felt bad for it, I also came to realize that he never once apologized to me in return. I wondered why I felt like I wanted him to say, 'I'm sorry', as what he was doing...Wasn't it for the best...Yet, I couldn't help but think I deserved an apology, which was confusing...

But...I figured it out a few years ago! I wanted his apology because when I am the 'King', I cannot handle that kind of action! I felt the Alpha that was unnaturally a part of me now, want to demand the apology out of him! If it wasn't because I was naturally an Omega, able to hold down the threatening words wanting to be issued, I might have done something ages ago!

Thinking of the past, there were also the times that Owen would also tell me that I was useless, making me train so hard that I fainted. I yelled and yelled, being told that I needed to be domineering, I needed to be the King! I had to revert all the years of being lonely, weak and innocent, to that of the complete opposite!

I had to act like I owned to world, and that can be very exhausting!

He had stolen me from my mother as well, making me miss her terribly, and he had told me that I wasn't to see her until I had learnt enough to satisfy him!

Actually...I still rarely see her. She is, of course, being kept hidden in the palace, as we are still unable to know of who our enemies are...

Walking into a familiar corridor and through a slightly ajar door, I decided that sometime soon, I will see my mother in secret again and show her Chance for the first time...

A child's voice was heard, and I turned my wolf head to Chance and walked up to him happily.

"Your Majesty, I know he likes it when you are in your wolf form but..."

I looked up at the maid, who tends to my son, and snorted.

So what if I'm still a little wet and smelly!

Slamming myself down onto the carpeted floor, I rubbed my back into the luxurious carpet and wagged my tail. It should smell like me here anyway!

Hearing Chance's laughter, I continued my way slowly over to him, making sure that the maid knew that I didn't give two shits about what she wanted.

Slamming my head into Chance, with probably a bit too much force, he ended up falling over and I rubbed my head into his tummy.

"Your Majesty!"

Oh shut it you old hag!

Chance might have hit his head a bit, but we were wolves, even if there is a small bit of damage, it'll heal quicker then that of a human. He'll be fine!

My words were right, as Chance only had time for laughing...

Ah, he was just so cute!

Making sure that my smell was all over my little baby, I then plopped down beside him, letting him rest against me.

"Your Majesty, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were someone else!"

Looking up at Eleanor, I pumped my head again into Chance and let my tongue out.

"Oh no you don't!"

She hated it when I licked him!

I moved my snout to Chance, but she hurriedly picked up our boy and glared at me, "I'm giving him a bath!"

I growled at her, but thought better, racing off to the place they bathed my boy. I'll have a bath too then!

"Ethan, get out!"

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