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(Ethan's POV)

After two days, I left the confines of my room and Damien followed close behind me.

We hardly spend a moment apart. We took showers together, slept together, eat together and run together. Even now, we were holding hands...

He had read the rest of my letter, we also spoke of the Elementalist's...Even though I hadn't much to tell him...And well, there was the cuddling and talking of past stories and favorite things in between all the...Erotic...

It was about time that something was said, and first off, I should explain to the Queen, as she was right in the middle of things.

I needed to tell her that she didn't have to do anything and that she could stay where she was and who she was, that nothing was to change.

Damien and I were able to have at least one conversation throughout this time and this was one thing that we had agreed upon. The Queen will remain the Queen...

But...It didn't go as I planned...

As soon as I entered the room to eat lunch, she left...Leaving Owen and us alone.

Damien sat down, looking at me but...

Feeling bad, I wondered if I should follow her...

I know that she knew I had never found my mate...But, why was she acting so strangely?

I stood there for a while, trying to figure out what I should do...

"As you see, my King, now you will have troubles. I am going to train Chance now."

Owen then left too, making me feel like I ruined lunch.

"Ethan, sit. We will talk to the Queen together after lunch, calm down."

Trusting Damien, I sat down.

With him, I was just about ready to tell him that I loved him...

With the Queen...I had no words...

Damien demanded one of my hands and held it with one of his own...So, I had to eat with one hand, but we still ate in peace.

I was thinking every now and again on how to talk to the Queen, but I would always get distracted whenever Damien looked up at me...

After we finished, he kissed my mouth, 'cleaning' it for me and we made our way to the Queen's room.

I took a deep breath and knocked on her door.

There was no answer, so I opened it.

"No, I don't want to talk!"

As soon as she saw me, she yelled this at me and turned her back to me.

Sighing, I walked up to her, taking Damien with me, as he didn't let go of my hand. "I know you..."

"What, that I'm mad!? Yes! I'm mad!"

Putting my head down a bit, I put away the thought of acting 'King' and wanted to do this as her friend. "I'm not going to apologize for finding my mate, Eleanor. But I will apologize for not speaking to you about it until now."

"I don't accept your apology! You know what you did!? Your mark disappeared, do you know how painful that is!?"

She turned away from me again and I saw her move her hand to her mouth.

I'd completely forgotten about that...

I put my hand to her shoulder, hearing a small growl from Damien, but I ignored him. "Eleanor, I'm sorry to have you go through that pain. I forgot all about it. I..."

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