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Third Person

If anyone was to attempt to destroy any type of his powers, it should only be him!

Seeing the rock golem with chains around its wrists and neck, which was different to the rock golems on Gorde, it was obvious that this particular rock golem was being enslaved, whereas the one upon Gorde had been let free to do as it pleased.

One put his hand up and produced an extremely large explosive, elemental bomb and shook his head to the idiot warlocks that were close by to the rock golem!

It was understandable why so many of them were busy and so close to this rock golem, as they had to produce enough magic to enslave such a large summoned golem, so now they were unable to do anything else...But, it would come in handy for One to get rid of them all, which was hopefully in one quick sweep!

The problem was, he couldn't kill the warlocks, well he could but he wouldn't be able to get his magic back, so, One needed to aim his explosive elemental bomb higher.

All he needed was a huge elemental, explosive ball and he should be able to pick up the scraps and move on!

It sounded like a good plan!

Yet...Being so fixated upon the huge rock golem and warlocks, everyone had not thought about where the Shifter's were...And suddenly, they were heard, making noises upon the steep slope of the mountain...

Holding the big elemental, explosive ball in his hands, One saw the Shifters of the opposing side go to finish racing up the mountain yet...It really was steep and one of them did end up falling, after not paying enough attention or getting impatient...

Sighing, One then used air under his feet and flew towards the huge rock golem and threw the elemental ball at it when he got closer.

With a huge explosion, making those close by feel the shaking of the earth, the dust cloud covered a large amount of the area and One quickly turned to his father, "The other Shifter's are coming up the mountain, go and help the old Alpha!"

Damien quickly turned, not able to see these Shifters, and turned back to One, who was now racing down towards the Warlocks, that were now completely covered by a big dust cloud...

The big rock golem, that had reached to half of their height on the mountain, seemed to have somewhat disappeared, making Damien think that it was gone and that his...Son...Should be fine to continue to fight on his own.

Seeing the obvious extra power that 'One' had, Damien could only hope that he'd stay safe because they'd need all the help that they could get with the opposing Shifters as, it was it was two half packs against five or so, and that was a guess...

Nonetheless, Damien will venture to have a talk to his...Son...Later, about this power of his!

Without another word Damien led his pack back up the mountain, to a fight that was bound to happen within just a minute or two.

They had never thought that the Shifter's would exert themselves so much, especially when the steepness of the mountain could be very harmful! But upon thinking of Owen and how little he thought upon others, Damien was not surprised...The problem was, it was not what they had thought would happen at all!

They only had themselves, with no other prepared defenses and the numbers of Shifter's on the Owen's side was showing more and more numbers as the seconds ticked by...

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