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(Ethan's POV)

A few weeks after I fell into this strange facade of loneliness, I finally got the guts to look this 'Alpha' up. But, without any helpers, because I was doing this in secret, it took me awhile...Because I simply didn't know his name. I was sure that I might have seen him years and years ago, but I cannot, for the life of me, remember him.

It took me a whole week to finally see his face upon the papers and computer in front of me, considering this wasn't the only thing I was doing, and I finally found out that he became Alpha about a year ago.

So, before when I had met him, he had only been a fledgling uh...

It sucks...Finding myself unable to not stare at his picture for a minute before I snap out of my longing for him...

...Now, he was well respected, and I see that his pack was the 'Rogue Hunter Pack', obviously the pack that would track down rogues for us.

Now that I remembered, his father was here those years ago, because of rogues, and I had to make up my mind on what to do with them because some of them had been mates and some of them had not that killing instinct like many of the other rogues had. It had been a big investigation that I had to look into with each one of them, deciding their fate like a King...

The Rogue Hunter Pack had moved after that to the south, further away from us here in the north, because there where possible rogues down there that led to water and another big human city.

Since this 'Damien' has become the Alpha, he has caught 22 rogues, some in which died upon capture and some he questioned.

Rogues weren't really a big problem normally, that one case with his father was the first one in my reign and anything else was small...

Being an Omega and unwanted, I know where rogues start from and try to put myself in their shoes, if I get the chance. Sometimes they are too feral and too far gone to even think like us anymore and are complete wolves. But we can save some of them and hope that they can come back to be Shifters again and be accepted into a pack.

Seeing the number 22, in the space of just over a year, I frowned.

That's a lot of rogues!

Even the big problem with his father had only been about 100 or so!

I was really wanting to call upon him and ask him...Yet, I already felt excited upon seeing his face and wanting to hear his voice again, perhaps if I'm lucky, even a touch of his hand! Oh, I could get him to show me his wolf, I want to see it! Is it big? Is it black like his hair? Would I be able to touch his fur?

Slumping in my chair, I went against my desires, knowing full well that what was going on with the rogues didn't matter...I just wanted an excuse to see him!

Unable to stop myself, and still feeling conflicted and confused on why he rejected me, I wrote a note...Several times...

I made many mistakes and had to start again!

I didn't even know how to start!

'To my dearest mate'

'To my mate'

'To Damien'

'To Alpha Rendall'

Then, I didn't know how to bring up my worries...

'Please don't be worried because you have gotten a letter from the King.'


'I noticed you've killed quite a number of rogues'

Not that either.

'Please read this in privacy'

Yes, but...What else...

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