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Third Person

It was obvious that the Elementalist's were trying to flee from the continent, as some of them were already in the water or high in the air above the sea, then there were some who were still leaving the beach front. Seeing this, the child within felt calmer as there were still quite a number of them that hadn't perished yet.

If it had taken much longer to take over the body, he may not have made it in time...Perhaps, his father also slightly trusting him too had helped...

It seems that the Elementalist's were still very much like the family that he had created...

The Elementalist's basic instinct of survival was first but sticking together was a close second in their minds. The two earth Elementalist's that had left Gorde, and had gone to Sollace all those years ago, had gone for survival. They had not wanted to be given 'order's', and thought against it, so they had fulfilled their threat, and in which one had perished to one of the Shifter's. The remaining earth Elementalist had returned back to Gorde, only to see that there was 'Sollace blood' still remaining and returned to do what they had the previous time, yet, they were unable to do anything because this 'Sollace blood' never left the confines of the palace borders.

Otherwise, the rest of the Elementalist's did as they were told and stayed on the continent of Gorde, unable to leave, yet unable to stay.

They stuck together in their five groups, depending on the power that they had, and hid, passing the time very slowly.

To anyone else, it would have been painfully slow, painfully lonely, but the Elementalist's weren't created to feel so many emotions...And, if it wasn't for the warlocks telling them and cursing them to feel 'revenge' and feel that it was wrong to be 'ordered' around, perhaps they wouldn't have felt those emotions either...

The child within questions now, why he had not thought to check the continent of Gorde first? He had not thought that something like this would be here all that time ago...Why he had not looked after them better, but...It was not a time to think of this!

Shifting to his human form, the child within put out Ethan's hand and put out an Omega and Alpha aura to entice all of the Elementalist's over and to be absorbed by him.

With Ethan's Omega blood and wolf surging inside of him, then his own Alpha blood and wolf combining, the Elementalist's could not help but succumb to the calling of their master, to become one once again.

One by one, fire 'arms' with veins, earth with veins, water with veins, wind with veins and metal with veins connected to the child and the Elementalist's started to break down.

Ethan's body started to grow, as the child in his womb grew, and with the last lot of water, fire, air, metal and earth traveling into the hand of Ethan's, a very gruesome thing happened...

Ethan could taste the blood escape his mouth, but the pain was unbearable...

He yelled out, spat out, vomited and breathed hard, only to hear a voice, "I'm sorry."

Unable to move much of his body, Ethan looked up at the adult in front of him and found himself unable to focus.

The child within, now a fully-grown adult, put a bind over Ethan, putting him in suspended animation. By using the five elements, that he now had full control over, air was used for breathing, water was used so that Ethan would not dehydrate, earth was used to help bind the wounds with fire and metal was used to cover the body, securing it from the outside world.

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