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Ethan's POV

Thirty minutes later, we were all ready to jump from the plane in order, one after another.

Beta Locky seemed really confident, perhaps he was the only one who had done this before, but me...As I walked up to the edge, I widened my eyes and swallowed...

"It's time, Precious." Damien said loudly, so that I could hear him.

I nodded and jumped, knowing that I just had no other choice.

I wasn't about to let this get to me either, I had gone through hell to become a King...Why would jumping out of something...So high up in the air...Be scary!?

Oh...But it was!

I forgot what I had to do for a moment and literally felt the pain of air getting into my eyes, making me close them. After I had closed my eyes, I felt extremely uneasy and I opened them again, only to get scared and move my body in reflex...

My heart was beating frantically, and I heard something soft, then a voice in my head that helped me calm down.

Taking a breath, then another breath, I tried to steady myself and I was finally in control.

Remembering what I was told, I freaked out to when the parachute opened and felt like I got whiplash!

Holding tightly to the two handles that 'guided' me, I found that I was far from where I was supposed to be and tried to get back into line but was too scared to pull on the handles too hard...

Please be over soon, please be over soon!

'Calm down, Precious! Do you remember how to land?'

I blinked a few times and felt a bit better, hearing Damien's soothing, patient voice in my head.

How do I land again?

Remembering what Beta Locky said, I nodded my head bravely, 'I remember!'

'Good, calm down. Chance is fine and when I last looked back, the Queen was fine too. Don't panic and try to get back in line a bit more ok?'

I nodded again.

I can do this!

When I finally took in the scene around me, looking at how nice it was, I had calmed down but...The landing was getting closer and closer and Damien continuously felt panicked just because I did...I felt it! It really was a double panic and I honestly could hardly handle it!

Austorious was getting mad at me as well because how I was dealing with this new experience, but I knew that he wasn't that great either! Both of us seemed to prefer to have our feet on the ground!

Since I was always told what I had to do with landing, simple because of Damien's continuous voice in my head, I did what I was told and found myself covered, only feeling slight pain in my knees.

...I guess I did alright after all!

Getting out of the parachute, I look around and found Damien a decent distance away...And also Beta Locky, whom even was coming closer to where I was, his parachute already packed up into a big ball.

We were to leave the parachutes here, and the pilot was going to pick them up on his own way back, and I found myself wondering how he would carry them all!

They weren't just a simple backpack anymore, they were big and bulky, with...

'Focus, precious!'

Looking up, to see Damien about to land, I shifted into my wolf form and went towards Beta Locky, whom shifted as well.

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