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Ethan's POV

Damien laughed at me and then nodded, "I thought you were acting stupid when you stated that we use protection only for when you are on heat!"

"I'm not stupid!" I grumbled.

He put a finger to my nose, and said, "You never stated anything about any other time, so I took it to my advantage!"

"I never thought that..." I stopped...

It was true, I honestly didn't think that it would happen so easily!

With the Queen, we had sex and not once was there a pregnancy! For a whole year nothing had happened, granted we didn't have sex all the time, but no pregnancy had ever happened!

I completely forgot and didn't even think that it would be different with Damien...

...I guess I was a bit stupid...

"Silly...How do you think mates that don't have an Omega have pups!? Heat isn't needed! Like I said, I thought you were just acting stupid and letting me get away with it! And I happily did so!"

"You!" I glared at him. "I didn't act stupid!"

No...I didn't act stupid, I was just stupid!

I had lived so long thinking that I had to be in heat to conceive!

What an idiot!

Feeling him snuggle into me even more, if it were possible...I felt his hand rub my stomach and I completely relaxed.

"Not mad?" He asked me.

Rolling my eyes, I held his hand tighter, "No. How could I be mad about getting pregnant with your pup!?"

"Good!" With that he kissed his mark, immediately making me moan.

Damien chuckled and snuggled back into me and we were not only showing our happiness through smiles but through our links. For so long, our links were filled with endless worry, feeling useless and anger. Now...We were happy and filled with expectations. Both of us already accepted this little, tiny existence, already impatient upon wanting to see who they will take over and what they will look like...

For the rest of the day, we took it easy as we let the news of my pregnancy sink in. The news did not exit the room, but we did tell Eleanor and Chance.

Chance...I think he understood...I could be wrong. But the Queen seemed happy and sad all at the same time.

She reminded me that women could be fickle sometimes...

She was happy because it was good news and that she wanted to hold another baby but sad because she'll probably never have another baby and that she was worried about Chance.

I reminded her that Chance's position would never be taken from him and that I would let her hold the new addition as often as she wanted too...Damien didn't like that and stated that we would talk about it later, making me laugh at him.

His feelings weren't shut off at all to me anymore and I was filled with his happiness and pride...And possession. I could feel it running all over me, more than ever! Before, it was possession over his mate and that is still there, but now it's some kind of ultimate possession and I wondered how long it would take before I'd get angry with this feeling...If I ever do get angry with it, that is...

But...The next day become serious, as we came to acknowledge that we needed to get out of here as fast as possible!

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