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(Ethan's POV)

He kissed me, not moving himself yet, as I kissed him back. He touched one of my nipples and I moved, making him groan.

After that, he moved, slowly thrusting himself in and out, putting all my wetness onto him...


That was it, I came...There was no way I could hold it back!

It felt so fucking good that I arched back, releasing myself from our kiss...Feeling myself shake like I had never shaken before! Truly...There were new definitions to everything in life now! And shaking was one of them...Climaxing was another...Making love, being with my mate...

"Ah!" I wasn't even sure if that was me or not, as I felt the last part of my orgasm shudder my body further, making me dig my nails into whatever they were holding onto!

What...That...Was insane!

Breathing heavily, I really had no idea how to think of finally feeling utterly satisfied by my one and only true and destined mate...Well, besides that of being out of this world!

...How the hell did I get through life without him all this time!? And...Now that we had gone this far...How could I ever spend a day without him now!?

Feeling myself be laid carefully on the rock that was half in the water, I felt him thrust harder into me and I let out a loud moan.

"Say my name, Sweetheart. Who is it that is your real mate?"

He thrusted deep into me and I yelled out his name. "Mmm...Dam..."

I wondered what he was talking about, but I had no time to think as he thrusted even harder, making me moan louder and louder.

I know I had already finished once, but could it really...

I was ready to climax again already!

Was it because I had waited my entire life for him? Had I saved up or something? Whatever it was, I was already hard and wanting more!

Yet, now that I think about all the joy and crazy feelings and desire's running through me...I suppose I'm not surprised! It was so intense that I felt like I was in another world!

Even the time in the bath tub, the day before, had been at best half of what I'm feeling now! It must be because of marking one another...

This man...

It was nearly enough fulfillment to make me cry! To say thank you, to tell him how much I want him and that I was just as eager as he was with everything!

...Geez...Dam...It's just so fucking good!

Putting my hands onto his shoulders, I yelled out his name once again and arched even more, feeling him thrust deep inside and call my own name out with me.

Feeling his hands go from my waist and up, pushing me into him as they travelled, I felt hot liquid go into me as he let out a deep enticing and sexual groan.

It really was so fucking sexy and hot that I swear my orgasm was even better!

His hands made it to my head, and they pushed me towards him as he kissed me.

We were both shaking and trembling, probably focused upon the extreme, crazy feeling overcoming us, so our kisses were just light peeks at the moment.

Finishing my orgasm, I tightened myself around him and kissed him harder.

I loved feeling him shudder against me. It made me feel powerful...I wanted more...I wanted him to do it again!

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