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(Damien's POV)

With Simon already there at The History Pack, waiting for me now, I rushed towards the barrier and stated my arrival directly to their Alpha and they let me in.

I was surprised that I wasn't the only one that had come to check on His Majesty the King, as someone for The Watcher's Pack staggered in as well, having came as a wolf and had to get clothes to change into, just like myself.

"Send that to Owen...I mean..."

Walking into the room, I smelt that beautiful smell of vanilla mixed with lavender but frowned upon His Majesty's look.

He had dirt all over him and seemed completely exhausted. He was...Completely dishevelled...

His hair was a mess, dirt running in it everywhere. Even though it was short, and I already knew about it being brown, but it didn't look that way at the moment. His eyes had black underneath them, stating the obvious fact that he was tired beyond belief and even his ears...How can he not get rid of the dirt in his ears? Was he that tired?

I watched him rub his face and eyes, then put his head to the desk in front of him.

"Your Majesty, we are not aware of where Beta Owen may be."


His voice could hardly be heard, even with our wolf ears, and just moments later, it looked like he'd fallen asleep.

"You hear that, send this to the palace. If Owen is there, give it to him directly, otherwise, give it to the Queen or the guard in charge...No one else!"

It would be simple for this note to be personally given to someone, due to having the King's blood upon it as a seal, which made me realize how important that note is...

I didn't take my eyes of my mate, while I heard The History Pack's Alpha make these orders.

Walking in, I finally looked away, to the other Alpha, and simply stated, "I will help guard him, where can he sleep?"

The other Alpha looked at me with incredulous eyes and I had no idea what he was thinking...Right now, all I wanted to do was clean my mate and put him into bed, then watch over him.

...While I was here, there was no way harm would come to him, not before I got into the line of fire first! Hexxah completely agreed with me straight away...That we wouldn't let anything happen to him...

Picking up my mate, already feeling better with him in my arms, I looked at the Alpha in expectation.

"Right, come this way."

Just like me, I was sure that The History Pack was expecting the King at some stage and probably has a room prepared already.

Tightening my hold over my mate, I tried not to walk to harshly, so that he could continue to sleep. Hexxah was completely satisfied now, having been as stressed out as I was, and both of us breathed out a breath, sucking in the sweet scent of our mate afterwards...

He was so dirty, like dirt had tried to swallow him whole!

He had dirt in all his nails and hair, yet, how could that be? Who would want to try and bury...

Scared with the thought, I tried not to think further...I dearly wished that it wasn't something like that!

Looking down upon my sleeping mate, who was naked within my grasp, I desperately wanted to make him all clean again! If not because he looks more gorgeous cleaner, but to also shake my scary assumption on why he was like this in the first place...

Tangled Fate: Harmony EntwinedUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum