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Ethan's POV

With a bit of a tussle, Owen's two men were bound up with silver and I went towards them. If they hadn't known before that I could walk, they did now!

"Your...Your Majesty!"

"You have a choice! I suggest that you make the right one!" I stated, nodding at Damien.

He then took out a dagger and split the skin in a finger of both of the men and gave two droplets of blood to me, dropping them into my mouth.

Even after ten seconds went by, I felt that their loyalties still had not come to me. It really was a strange feeling!

Most of the time the loyalty would work by now, but again, I had only done this a few times, so perhaps I was wrong...

I stared at them and waited, frowning after another ten seconds, "It's not working."

Silence entered the cabin and the two men started to convulse, making us take a step back. They fell of their knees and their eyes started to go back, making us start to fret!

What was going on!?

"It's not working, quick, precious, give me your hand!"

I put my hand out to Damien and he surprisingly sliced at my own hand, "Tell their blood to return to them, quick. I'll explain later!"

With questions in my eyes, I did as I was told and returned the blood to the two men that...Slowly stopped convulsing...

With a relieved sigh, I heard Damien sit back and I looked at him. "What happened?"

"Because rogues are sometimes completely beyond help, we make a blood pack with them, to try and help them recover themselves. The blood pack might not work, but if it does, it can bring back their humanity and remind them what it's like to be in a pack...It is a command to always resend their blood back to them, before we move them on from being captured, because this is what happens. Their blood, being inside you, would rebel against yours and hurt you in the way that it's hurting them. This is how the blood pact can backfire and retaliate to the one that is trying to use it!"

Looking at the two men, who hadn't really become aware yet, I looked back at Damien, "So, they didn't want to come to my side?"

Damien narrowed his eyes and then shook his head, "...I'd more believe that old, sly man had already made them do a blood pack!"

I raised my eyebrows and sat down next to him, the others around staying silent.

Damien sighed, and said, "If the blood oath had continued too much longer, a winner would have been made and Owen would have known what had just happened. Whether he would be casted out, to state that he no longer has the men's loyalties, or if another loyalty was fighting against his and had lost...I thought it best if we kept Owen in the dark and that he never knew we had tried this in the first place."

"So, they would have continued to fight the blood pact? My blood pact?" I asked, still not understanding.

Damien nodded, "Yeah, if it is what I think it is, not only has Owen made them do a blood pact but these two would get something for getting their jobs done. They came across as looking down on us before, I would assume, like any other, they are wanting a good position with power."

With some of us going into thought, a comment was made after a while, "The Alpha to The History Pack!"

Damien nodded, "I thought the same. My guess is that Owen had offered them Alpha positions!"

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