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Owen's POV

"Is it confirmed?"

I already knew it, I had lost connection with those two Beta idiots days ago, but I had to send someone out!

I had to continue to act as though it was the worst thing in the world to have lost a King!

I don't understand some of them ranting over His Majesty's bad luck, as the brat was a coward!

He gave me his power, making me laugh hysterically in my head and now, the brat even has silver in him! What ruler!?

He's an Omega, with silver and a complete coward!

Humph, it was all part of the plan!

After getting the information from The History Pack, I had to get that brat gone as soon as possible!

It was obvious that Elementalist's could be killed because one had indeed already died to a Shifter but being able to order them around, was not a power that I wanted to let the little brat know he had! No, if it's to be anyone's power...It should be mine!

I know it's confirmed that the Sollace blood is a lot more precious than normal, but surely, I can get my boy to demand the Elementalist's to be our power! And, above all, my boy was a Beta! Not a lowly Omega and he will be far from being a coward!

I did have a certain suspicion that there was more to the Sollace generations than this because of the diaries, but even the bastard with his old books can't seem to work it out!

How great would it be to be able to control the Elementalist's!?

Perhaps, even if there was another type of special requirement, I can still overcome it!

Ah, to be able to bury alive Shifters...It would be very interesting!

Punishments had laws and rules, but with the Elementalist's, they could be the punishment and perhaps even some sort of secret assassins...Without a trace, the Elementalist's can disappear and appear and kill...And I happen the think that's quite perfect!

With the most important, personal diaries of the previous King in my hands, I had been rejoicing when the brat was going to take a flight away from the palace, deciding that it was time to end that direct family line...Leaving only my own left!

My son was going to rule, and nothing was going to change, I will remain as the Regent of the King!

These past few days have been relatively slow but I'm sure everyone will warm up to me. And I will make them if they don't!

"Yes...Beta Owen. It seems that the plane did crash and blow up. The problem is, we can't investigate it as thoroughly as you would like because the plane crashed in the south human town of Depson...It is currently in their hands..."

I sighed.

I wanted proof of the King's death, then I could make my son the ruler easier...There would be problems if I didn't have proof of his body being found...

I will have to be patient, it seems...

"Who do have there? Get them to confirm." I stated. This was the normal procedure anyway. No one would except a ruler gone for too long, as long as I do what is 'required', the Shifters will slowly start to think of me as the ruler anyway.

"...Beta Owen...I have tried to get them to confirm. They had stated that they had not found the bodies of everyone."

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