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Third Person

It may have been silent, but many thoughts went through many of the Shifter's present.

Stop the war? Most of them knew who had started this war! It was Beta Owen himself!

Why did it sound like the end of the war could only be because His Majesty comes out of hiding...Is Beta Owen really planning to kill the King, right in front of all of us?

A few of the Shifter's hoped that His Majesty didn't come out, they really thought that Beta Owen wouldn't stop until their King was killed and...The girl in Beta Owen's arms...They started to really believe that she really was His Majesty's sister and thought of her as quite pitiful!

...Will this really be the end of the Sollace family?

Damien walked, he even tried to stay calm as he came closer to the opposing Shifters and cringed to his idea.

"Hey, no tricks, I want him here now!" Beta Owen yelled out, his voice showing that he wasn't sure about what was going on.

No one...Not a soul thought Damien would do what he would...

Everyone was literally taken by surprise, especially when some of them didn't even want to fight and some really wanted to change sides and save His Majesty instead...

Damien took in two deep breaths and then charged towards the metal thing, ramming into it and he groaned out as the heavy object moved but didn't quite move enough.

With a yell from behind him, Damien only saw who it was when they were doing the same thing, right beside him.

Beta Locky grunted and then yelled out, "Push!"

With that, the metal object tumbled over, startling the Shifters behind it, then another came to help to push it further and a few stopped Shifter's from moving around it, making it become increasingly obvious upon what was going on!

"I told you! I wouldn't do that if I were you!" Beta Owen yelled, and a girl's scream entered their ears.

With another grunt, the metal object went over the edge, taking out quite a number of Shifter's in its path...Loud thumps happened as it hit a couple of places on the way down, making everyone cringe, especially that of Damien and Alpha Lorez...

Please be save! Please be save!

Damien wasn't game enough to watch after the metal object went over the edge...He had hit it before but, what if he had not hit it very hard and was wrong in thinking this would work!? Did he just kill his own mate!?

Until it hit the bottom, still in one piece but having a few dents and scratches in it, everyone was silent. Some were confused, thinking about why a metal object was there in the first place, yet some were feeling very pitiful towards the so called body inside the metal object. But, it became obvious upon what it was used for in no time, as at least ten or so of the opposing Shifters had disappeared from the clearing and a bit of ground was retaken for His Majesty's forces...

Looking back at Beta Owen, Damien grunted, moving his shoulder's around because they hurt, "You just missed him!"

A hope flashed in Damien's eyes for a single second, hoping beyond hope that he had not just killed his mate but...For some reason, he felt like it was alright, yet, now that he had done it...

Well, at the moment, now that a lot of them were not paying attention, Damien thought it was time to blitz his way through and hope for the best...Since they had stated that they will fight to the end, then that was what he was going to do!

Tangled Fate: Harmony Entwinedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن