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Ethan's POV

For a couple of days, Damien did not speak with me and I really felt lonely but...I felt strangely that it was only right to state this, to state that I was pregnant and that I was going to protect my family...But...I really didn't do it...

I stared at the letter for hours and realized that even the words were slightly different to mine, and I threw it away in fright!

I hadn't written it! Did someone else not know!?

Did they not search the letter and see that the writing was not entirely my own!? It was of course my own blood, that is fact, but upon really looking at the words...They...They weren't mine...

I continued to tremble, in fact I was trembling a lot lately...I was becoming paranoid and god I was lonely...I was more lonelier then ever!

I didn't have Damien...Hell, even Owen would be good about now but...I had no one!

I was...All by myself...

The yearning...

As much as I wanted to think of the Shifters and what I'm supposed to do, I think I was getting confused! Perhaps Damien was right but...Why...Why can't I talk to him about what was going on!?

Now...Now even he is locking me out of his thoughts and...I was getting more and more confused by the minute!

I felt like I had lost some trust...I felt like I was...Acting strangely...

Will him staying away from me and locking me out of his mind...Will I let that be the end?

I can't! I needed him! But...

How could I say it?

I put a hand through my hair, with shaky hands, and brought my feet up to my chest.

My eyes skittered around, and I knew that I needed to do something soon, otherwise I might black out again and make things worse...

Yet, just as I shakily stood up, I found even less of me there, like I was slowly fading out...Forgetting that I desperately wanted to talk to my mate...To my Damien.

My want was still there, to speak with him and tell him everything, but it faded tremendously and upon 'waking up' once again, I got even more scared...

I really...I really was a complete mess!

...And as the second week after the confrontation of the Alpha's came by...Things changed once again!


The sudden urge to run came to me and that was it, I left!

Did I succumb to this yearning? Did I give up?

I don't know...

All I knew was...It was terribly important to run, to leave right now!

Damien didn't even know, because he was locking himself away from me, but I was already long gone and I felt a barrier between he and I, even if I tried to take it down...

This was when I realized that I was being overtaken nearly completely and that I was now no longer in charge of my own body...I was being driven by someone, or something else, and I had no idea upon what it was!

I was scared...Scared that I was becoming something that I wasn't.

My Omega self started to come out more and more and I found that Austorious was getting weaker and weaker...

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