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Damien's POV

I took in a breath and stopped when Chance coughed...

Oh...Thank you...Thank you!

I got closer to Chance and saw him open his eyes, his chest making movements.

My eyesight grew blurry and I smiled at him, "Good boy! Good boy!"

Chance didn't show much response and looked around. Then...Finally, he started to cry.

"He's alright at the moment but..."

The doctor moved to the side and the Queen rushed to pick up Chance, "Chance! Sweetheart, it's mummy! Everything's ok!"

I looked at the doctor and didn't say anything.

He sighed, "He did stop breathing, so I'll keep an eye on him."

I put a hand over Chance's head and sighed in relief, not only would I be sad to losing this boy, but I couldn't imagine the pain my precious would get from losing him!

He can't die! No, neither of them can! All of them must survive!

"I'm...I'm not letting him go, Damien! I don't care, I don't care if I have to walk all the way and get buried along with him, I'm not..."

I interrupted the Queen's sobbing rants and said firmly, "It's alright! It's fine, just hold him."

Perhaps, even if it was slower, Chance should have stayed with someone anyway. We hadn't thought this idea out good enough.

Maybe because we thought that the target was Ethan, we didn't place enough importance on Chance. Now, now if it wasn't going to be the Queen holding him, hell, I was!

Yet...It wasn't like we had dug him up...The reason that Chance was even freed as early as he had been...Was because of Ethan...

Whatever it was that that was going on, it was still something that worked...

Now that Chance was safe and sound, being held by the Queen, I looked back to see Ethan, paying more attention to the memories going through his head and I walked over to him...Very much staying aware of the Elementalist that was still there...Attached and 'speaking' to Ethan.

"Is that it!?"

The Queen's voice interrupted me, and I saw her vicious, wet eyed look at the Elementalist. "Yes, but right now..."

"Take Chance!" She held out the visibly scared Chance to me and I widened my eyes, "No! You hold Chance! Don't do anything stupid!"

"It nearly killed Chance!" She said, looking at me with those wet eyes and desperate voice but her face was full of anger!

"I know but can't you see with your own damned eyes! Ethan is attached to it at the moment!"

Man, this was bad. My mate is connected to that damned rock and now the Queen seems to want revenge!

Watching her, wanting to make sure that she doesn't do anything while Ethan was still connected to it, I was unable to focus once again upon what the memories and Elementalist were trying to say!

I really was keen to find out what was going on but hell, it was just one thing after a fucking other!

Of course, I don't regret seeing what happened with Chance before and watching the Queen now, but I felt like I've missed out on something really bloody important!

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