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Third Person

As the days went by, it became known to all upon what the war had done to the Shifters.

One made it became known that he was now the King 'once again', releasing Ethan from his burden completely.

Having only told his father after the arrangement had already taken place, Ethan still didn't mind...In fact, Ethan was happy and patted One over the head, making One completely thrilled!

Ethan may have been weak for a day, but he was awake a lot more after and only showing signs of getting better, expect that of the symptoms silver could be doing to his body.

Damien didn't leave Ethan's side, becoming a happy slave and doing Ethan's bidding as quickly as possible.

Ethan felt Damien's want to make up for what he felt like he'd done, so he felt hopeless to Damien's consistent badgering over him.

On the other hand, Owen, no longer Beta Owen, did indeed attempt to break free but it had come to no use.

With Alpha Lorez being in charge of Owen, because Damien was completely detained through 'mateship', Alpha Lorez came up with a plan to catch everyone who was still against His Majesty and let a trap happen, to which it obviously was used.

With Owen on the death penalty, One was happy to take his life by using the magic spell of life steal! He had already gotten back what had been taken away from him, but extra is good too!

Two others were shot with silver and imprisoned, and the rest where imprisoned for now but might have the chance to start again, depending upon what the King decides.

The mention of the other blood of Sollace on the outside and inside of the palace walls did not come to pass for another week, when One talked about rebuilding the palace.

Many had been astonished at hearing the secret hideaway, not only because it had been so obvious and open, but because that had been where Ethan had been put when he was young!

Much to One's disappointment, the discussion on rebuilding the palace had been put aside, and the subject of Ethan's half sister and her children were talked about for over a day...

With One's small interruption, that day later, about the female mother not being like Owen, it was finally decided that they will try and talk to her first. They never thought to kill her, but the idea of keeping her away from them was put into consideration, especially if she was anything like Owen!

What they found though, was the complete opposite! Owen's mate, after finally realizing she was safe, even though she knew Owen was dead, claimed everything that Owen did.

All she wanted was to keep her babies safe...

Seeing her like this, everyone was slightly disturbed.

They had never thought that she had gone through so much...

Owen had really made things hard for everyone, even for his own mate...

As much as some of them wanted Owen's mate, Stephanie, to stay closer to her family, namely Ethan, she insisted to spend her days alone for now, as she really detested the throne at the moment, somewhat blaming that for her mate's downfall...So, she was then relocated to The Harvest Pack, where many children already were, and she was given a small part of the land there, where she didn't have to work but could if she wanted to.

In time, the half sister of Ethan does grow a bit stronger and they see each other but she never returns to the palace, in fact, she cut ties to any 'Sollace' blood that she and her children had. For a lot of the population, they thought this as a good thing, because they didn't want anyone with Owen's blood to have any type of right to the throne, and so her name was taken off the Sollace family tree and she did indeed breathe easier after that.

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