Chapter 127: The Third Triad Principalities

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[City of Avalon, Central Tower Deepest Floor]

As they walked at the dark hallway that was only lit up by torches along the walls, Albion carefully answered all of Amos questions as he also inserted some interesting conversation in between. Through this almost of Amos question was cleared up as he somehow felt less tense than he was before. This may be the cause  of his questions being answered truthfully.

Amos himself has a very special type of eyes, a type of eyes that discern falsehood and lies. Since he seemed less tense as Albion answered his questions regarding his visions that appeared before him every now and then, he somehow deemed Albion as a person who is telling the truth and seemingly a person who answers based on his deep wisdom and knowledge.

As a former emperor, Amos is excellent in judging the type of character he encounters in his everyday life, and Albion himself seemed to be a type of person whom one can trust.

After a long whole of their talk, the three of them finally arrived at the end of the dark hallway and in front a gigantic door which seemed to be made out of tough mithril. Upon seeing this, Amos couldn't help but be amazed by this type of structure made by a special type of alloy.

"This is... Mithril! Amazing, just what kind of person who could make such magnificent door?" 

As Amos said those words, his fingers then accidentally touched the door, as he felt his mana being sucked up by the door itself in an incredible rate. Due to that he was caught shock by this phenomenon as he quickly jerked his hand back and took a couple of steps back.

"This door.... it absorbs mana?"

In that moment, Albion then answered.

"Your both right and wrong! While this door may seem to absorb mana upon touch, this door is actually a good type of mana conductor made out of a special alloy called mithril... due to that its defenses is super thick and it is a good type of blockade for any powerful attack that may come your way.... The more mana you inject on it, the more stronger this type of metal can be"

As Albion said those words, Amos once again was amazed by this door as he touched the door once more and begun controlling his mana along the mana circuit of the alloy itself. As Amos did this, Asagi on the other hand stepped forward as she then asked Albion.

"Is this the place?"

"Yes... all the questions you harbored within yourself will be answered inside"

"Your not going to be the one to answer my questions?"

"I can answer your questions, but i believe that another thing is much more worthy of answering them aside from me.... it is waiting inside.... your the only one who can enter beyond this point, once you get inside i believe you would know what to do next"

The moment Albion said this, Amos was shocked  for a moment as he complained about why Asagi would be the only one to enter the room. Naturally Albion explained himself as he gave Amos a reasonable excuse on why Asagi should enter alone.

After a few minutes of persuasion, Amos finally conceded as Albion smiled and led Asagi into the room. Primarily he would be the one to open up the door using an unknown means of magic control. Once he opened the door, Asagi would then enter the room as Albion would close the door itself wand wait for the situation inside to conclude.

In that sense, Albion did what he must do, as Asagi entered the room and was left by herself in a huge  spacious room with a huge orb like object attached in the middle of the room. Once Albion closed the door, the room then suddenly went dark to the point that the only illumination that the room have was none other than the huge orb in the middle.

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