Letter 39

29 10 0

dear landon,
i care about you,really.

We had just finished having breakfast and we were handed another letter once again, was this ever going to get easier?

This is your second scavenger hunt. You will receive the coordinates on where it is located by following the clues.

First Clue:
Ten fe en mi (have faith in me)

Second Clue:
Soy una X mal echa (I am a wrongly done X)

Third Clue:
en mi nombre dice que spy para los caidos (in my name it states I'm for the fallen)

I'm sure the clues will be more than sufficient.
Good luck to you all!

"Okay I got it you guys!" I screeched jumping up, "If I'm not mistaken it's the Valley of the Fallen."

"How would we know for sure?" Landon asked

"Going there..."

"I'm pretty sure it's there, we did a research on it before we came...and so did Nat, Marcia, Felix and Zoe..."

"Hey! They're in the other groups!"

"So everyone knows were it's at! It's just a question of time!"

"Let's go!"

"Where are you off too?" Jose asked us.

"Another scavenger hunt."

"Here, you want my driver to take you."

"Oh no thank you," I rejected the offer, "You have done enough for us,thank you."

"Oh no! I insist! Take him, hey call Romeo," he ordered his daughter.


She went off to call him and what seemed like 10 minuets he finally arrived.

"I'm sorry for the wait Mr.Santos," he apologized.

"It's fine. Please take this kids to..."

"Valley of the Fallen." Lance finnished.

"Yes, sir."

We walked out the door and climbed into the limo. After many turns and bumps it seemed that we had arrived to a somewhat decent place.

"This is it," the driver spoke. I looked at my phone and read the time, 2:36. That's exactly an hour later than we had planned.

"Thank you," Chelsea bid to him. We walked out of the car and soon saw a group of kids.

"Okay now that our last group has joined us let's begin our tour shall we?" Mrs.Ramos spoke.

"Let's go this way please," the tour guide led is down a couple of steps, "This, as most of you shall know is the Valley of the Fallen. It is an underground church and tomb. I'm sorry if your not religious but you know learning new things are intresting. It is also common for plenty of you wit young minds, and also older, to see this as a fascist theatricality.

By now we reached the bottom of the steps and were face to face with a beautiful sculpture. The lady must've read my thoughts as she then began to say, "Standing before you is obviously a sculpture and they were sculpted by the extravagant Juan de Avalos. Any questions so far?"

A kid I didn't know raised his hand and asked, "Why was this built?"

"To honor those who died in the Spanish Civil."

We walked around the underground church for a while of our time. I have to admit it was Intresting.

and there you have the second hunt.

365 lettersOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz