Letter 19

76 20 2

dear landon,

brad did honestly turn out to be a great friend.

"Clarissa wait up!" Someone from behind called out causing me to stop abruptly.

"What do u want Brad?" The annoyance in my voice clear as I asked.

"Why do u always seem to avoid me?"

"What do you me-"

"Don't give me those lies. Now tell me."

I sighed trying to come up with the words as I tried to sound rude, "I'm sorry but I don't nessasarily enjoy your company."

He looked taken back, "Elaborate."

"Brad, first impressions are a big deal and you didn't make an impressive one to me."

"I'm sorry about my personality."

"Brad no," I sighed, "I didn't mean to come of as a rude bi-"

"No you know what Clare? It's fine. Your not being rude your being honest. And I value that in people,honesty. So what do you say to me giving another chance?"

"Okay," I smiled.

He extended his hand out for me to shake, "Hello I'm Brad." He gave me one of his smiles that looked sincer. Not a flirty smirk like the one had gave me when we first met.

"I'm Clarissa," I shook his hand, "Oh and also call me clare 'cause I just might punch you if you call me Clarissa again."

We came back to him giving me the teasing smirk, "Nah I like annoying you."

"Shut up."

he's annoying. but he's still a great friend. yes landon, a FRIEND.


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