Update on Story Progress

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Hey! So first of all, thank you so much for reading this, I really appreciate it and I hope you are enjoying it. First off, if you didn't know this book is updated slowly (very slowly)  and before publishing the next chapter I decided to re-read this book and there are many plot holes which I have now fixed. Therefore, If you're reading this after having read everything I will explain everything to you and recap the events. This also helps if you forgot what has happened. But if you are aware of all occurrences feel free to skip this!

Sophmore year:

-Clare is new to town and Landon is her first friend. 

-Landon is a very supportive friend who seems to be overprotective of Clare.

-Landon and Clare grow very close and Landon introduces her to his other friends, Brad and Tom and the group hangs out at times.

-Clare starts hanging out with Lance(asked Clare out) and Landon isn't too happy.

-Clare, Lance, Landon, and Chelsea (who is later considered a friend to Clare) go on a trip to spain with others from Spanish Class. (Letters 32 to 61)

The letters after this will continue to update him on the years after sophomore year.

Current events:

-Clare is writing letters to help him remember his life from the time they met until now (we don't know how old they are currently but there's some clues).

-His mom calls to tell her that he is in the hospital but his mother never lets her visit.

-Clare sneaks in to visit him and he wakes up unable to remember who she is which helps her face reality.

-Clare is kept updated on his condition because of his sister but doesn't visit.

-Landon is released from the hospital and Clare goes to see him (Letter 65)

We will see more of the current events, especially in the "Series of the Unsent."

Last Chapter:

This is the first chapter or letter that's part of the "Unsent Series." We see that she stops writing this letter because she can't talk about the current events without explaining the past. We also see that she has a dog named Lucy who she forgets to feed for some reason.

This series will come about once in a while because there are always words, or thoughts left unsaid and in this case there are things she can't tell him with the current timeline but that can show clues on how she deals with what's happening.

I tried to be as brief as possible in trying to recap the events. If there is anything you are confused about feel free to comment and feel free to leave feedback as well. There should be an update soon, thanks for reading!


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