Letter 24

72 19 0

dear landon,

i'm socially awkward you should know that by now.

"So I guess we're partners?" Landon grinned.

Our Spanish teacher, Mrs.Ramos, had just finished passing out our papers to our project we were assigned. Luckily I was partnered up with Landon.

"Want to come over after school today? I'm sure my mom won't mind."

"Okay I'll let my mom know."

I was nervous to say the least. I had a fair amount of friends in the past but we usually hung out at school or at some place but we never went to each other's houses. Therefore I didn't know any of their parents. And I tend to be shy when meeting new people so I'm not sure how bad this could go.

I was hoping that my mom would need me home but she replied to be home by dinner/curfew. My curfew was dinner time.

Spanish class passed by too quickly to my liking since it was over after what seemed like 5 minutes but in reality it was an hour.

"Ready?" Landon stood next to my by my locker as I got the things I needed and threw in the things I didn't.

"Yeah," I nervously stated.

"So what time do you need to be home by?"

Now, I thought to my self. That would been rude to say so instead I said the actual time, "Seven."

"Okay so we have...four hours," he said while checking the time on his phone. We got out at 2:50 but I guess he was adding the walk towards his house.

"So do you have any siblings?"

"Nope I'm an only child. You?"

"Yeah," he sighed,"Twins. They're both annoying. But doesn't everyone say that about their siblings?"

"How old are they?"

"7. My sister is named Naomi and my brothers named Nathan."

"Haha are they alike or different? Personality wise I mean."

"Well, their both unpredictable so I can't say. The might be home from school soon." Just as he said that we stumbled across a driveway of a two story brown house. It looked well taken care of due to the array if flowers lined up at the front of the house. We passed by a tree on the left side as we took the two steps to the porch.

It seemed that immediately as Landon tuned the doorknob I heard two small voices sing, "Landon!"

The two small children I assumed where Naomi and Nathan hoped off the counter where there was paper and pencil placed. He grasped both of them as he laid them in the couch and ticketed them making them giggle.

I stood near the door smiling at the scene before me. The little girl with two pigtails and bows and each of them turned as looked at me. She sat up on the couch and asked, "Who's that Lan?"

"This is Clare," he walked towards me, "Were going to work on a project."

"Hi Clare," the small boy said as Naomi seemed to still be shy.

"I'm Nathan," he came towards me and smiled before offering me his hand. Well to be that young he sure did have manners.

The other twin walked slowly and hid behind Landon as she slightly said, "Hi."

"That's Naomi," Nathan spoke up, "She's always shy. But don't worry I'm still the better twin."

I hadn't notice that another person made themselves present where the twins originally sat.

"Hey mom! I brought my friend, Clare, over to work on a project," Landon walked towards the counter to embrace his mom into a hug as I trailed behind him.

"Hello Mrs.Jackson. Nice to meet you," I smiled as I tried not to let my nervousness show. Just as I was about to extend my hand out for her to shake she pulled me in for a quick hug.

"Call me Lia dear."

"Okay," I nodded.

"Well were going to get started," Landon told her as he walked towards the stairs.

"You know the rules!" She called out as I began going up the stairs as well, "Don't close the door!"

"I know!" He called out back.

your mom is nice. she's one of the the little people whom i can trust and feel comfortable around.


When she went to go visit Landon in the hospital she said his mom and sister were there. But no the sister wasn't Naomi. \letter 10\

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