Letter 56

25 9 0

dear landon,
i'm not much of a writer. which is ironic considering i write you these letters isn't it? but i have composed a poem i hope you like.

i write in hope of a reply
maybe i'll get it before i die?
it's hard to stay positive at times
yet i give it many tries
i don't know why i'm sticking to rhyme
it's not like i'm a mime

we met on a day of school
who knew that out of everyone it's you
this isn't a poem of love
not a tragic poem that I'm failing at writing
it's a simple reminder of you

everyone else never noticed
the differences between me and them
yet you took the time to know me
you took the devotion to care
it wasn't an investigation
nor did you force me into an interrogation

you cared
it was shown
nor but words
but by actions

you spoke while i cried the words of the wise.
"i'll never leave your side"
"you are worth everything"
"i'll never let you fall"
"i believe in you"

so here I sit.
trying to think of a clever poem.
not something that rhymes.
nor something complex.
or something with complicated words

but something in hopes of telling you what you told me. you're worth everything landon, i'll never leave you. i don't believe, i know that you'll remember soon. if your down, that's fine, i'm here to catch you even though you may not want to be caught. trust me that you have the courage and you'll make it through if you just try, the hope and faith is there. i won't loose it, nether shall you.


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