Letter 13

129 21 0

dear landon,

well i guess we should start off by how we met right? i swear it was one of the only days in freshman year that i will never forget.

"Shit," I muttered under my breath as my clumsy self dropped all of my books on my way to first period.

As I was about to bend down and pick them up I heard someone yell "oww" before my forehead began to ache.

"Sorry," the boy who stood in front of me replied as I looked up. Compared to my height of 5'3 he seemed as your typical athlete.

"No it's my fault," I choked out as I tried not to let my shyness take over.

"You must be new here?" I assumed he was a sophomore since at this school everyone ha different shirts according to you grade. Freshman like myself wore a baby blue. Sophomores like the boy in front of me appeared to be wore a mahogany red. All the juniors dressed in a dark blue color which I have no idea the specific name of it. And seniors had grey on. It made no sense but I went along with it nonetheless.

"Um yes I am?" I question as if I wasn't unsure what to answer.

"New to school, or new to town?"

"Both," I stated.

He smiled knowingly, "I thought I've never seen you around. I'm Landon."

I accepted his gesture as I shook his hand before smiling back, "Clare short for Clarissa. But call me that and I'll never speak to you again."

"Alright Clare. I mean I don't think I would ever want my new friend to stop speaking to me right away would I?"

"Who said we were friends?" I sassed. Seems like I wasn't going to be shy with him after all.

"I'd take it you'll need one." I didn't argue any further as he was right. My first friend on my first day.

"Let me see your schedule," he gestured to to my schedule. I handed to him as he looked over it comparing it to his.

"Well before my first class I make a new friend which is a great way to start the day. And then my new friend will be in my last class which is a perfect way to end the day."

Was that considered flirting? I wouldn't know I've never payed much attention to boys. Sure they were attractive and everything but my parents raised me that you should focus on your studies instead of trying to grow up too fast. I've had my share of boy friends and believe me that I don't mean to sound conceited when I say this but they always fell for me. Whatever that meant. One day we were friends the next day I was "leading them on" and then they "liked me." I apologize for ever making then think that I felt the same way. But gladly there were some boys who were my actually friends and thankfully not my secret admirers.

I could always befriend girls but girls are too much drama when they hit puberty and most of them only talk about boys or other people. There were a couple of friends that were girls though. But once I moved I figured that we would loose touch eventually. They were nice and not drama filled. There was 3 of them, coincidentally triplets. They were named Lucille, Anne, and Roselyn.

I hadn't realized that I never replied to him. I was unsure of how to respond so I settled on replying, "Okay see you later." And with that I walked to class awaiting my first class.

you were the firs person to make my shyness disappear when i first met you. you made me a slight bit outgoing. it's funny how just like how we met i won't forget either how our first class together went.


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