Letter 25

74 16 2

dear landon,

i don't know how you called Nathan and Naomi annoying when you know you love them to death. it's obvious because you always tend to tickle them. you sure are good with kids.

"I hope all of you had enough time to work on your projects. And I expect that what you will e turning in is worthy if receiving an 'A' since I expect nothing less from each and every one of you. Now for the next part you are going to present your project in Spanish.

Finally after many days this month spent working on our Spanish project we reached our due date to turn it in. We had to research someone famous, we got Herman Cortez who was a conqueror. Then we had to do a model that was based on something to do with him. We designed a field where we placed plastic soldiers as they took over the Aztec Empire. I thought it looked pretty cool if I do say so myself.

After we finally presented we were able to exit the class without further ado.

"Are you going somewhere right now?"

"No why?" I answered.

"My mom said if you wanted to come over since it's the twins birthday today."

"I haven't even got them anything yet."

"Let's take them out for ice cream!" He exclaimed as he seemed to get excited too since he raced towards his house. I struggled to keep up.

Once we arrived he went with the same procedure he did everyday since I came over. He grabbed them each and began to tickle them.

"Hello Clare," Mrs. Jackson greeted me smiling.

"Hello Mrs. Jackson."

"Oh dear I've told you, you could call me Lia."

I laughed not knowing how to reply. My mother told me that no matter what you must always show respect and call them by their last name.

"Mom were taking them out for icecream," I heard Landon whisper to his mom. He must've wanted to surprise them.

"Come on were going out for a walk," I said excitedly one we were given approval by Mrs. Jackson.

"Yay!" They both squealed as I laughed quietly walking out the door as Landon follwed.

The ice cream shop wasn't too much of a distant away. As we walked Landon walked with his hands in his pocket quietly kicking a rock.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just thinking."

"May I ask what about?"

"What flavor I'm gonna get," he grinned as he lied as he picked up his pace and grabbed Naomi who walked in front of us. He held her tightly in his arms as he took of racing towards the ice cream shop. Well then...

I ran towards Nathan picking him up as I ran as well. Lucky for me I knew a short cut and we ended up there before them.

They both looked shocked that I managed to beat them. "Haha! You lost!" Nathan teased Naomi as she pouted.

"I'm still awsome!" She smiled as she placed both of her hands on her hips, "Landon said he was going to be an icecream!"

"Noooo," Nathan wined, "He's buying me one too!"

"Okay but I'm still the better twin," Naomi protested.


"Kids," Landon muttered under his breath.

"Let's get ice cream!" I said breaking both of them from their staring contest.

Landon picked up Naomi as he picked out the ice cream he wanted as I then helped Nathan choose the one he wanted as well. Landon and I decided to get one as well since today was a hot day.

"$18.59," the girl who noted out orders said. I grabbed big wallet as I handed her a $20 bill.

"Thanks," I said accepting the change. We walked towards the park as we had all finished our ice cream.

"Let's go on the swings!" I beamed. We raced to get one. After a while Naomi spoke up, "Clareeeeee can you push me?"


"Ohhhhh Landon can you push me too!" Nathan then asked.

"Let's race to see who can go higher!" The twins spoke at the same time. Looks like twins do think alike.

you have to admit, your a child at heart. everyone is.


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