Letter 23

62 19 0

dear landon,

i've been contemplating as to wether or not to talk about our bad memories. but as i thought about it every memory makes us who we are today, the struggles that is.

"Clare!!!" Landon yelled down the halls.

"What!" I snapped as I turned around to come face to face with Landon.

"Why are you so mad?"

"Mad?!" I scoffed, "I'm not mad! I'm disappointed, frustrated, many things. But not mad!"

"Look I'm sorry! Clare! I am!" Thankfully the halls were vacant so we weren't causing. A scene would just stir up drama and if there's one thing I hate it's drama.

"You had no right!"

"I know I'm sorry!"

"Why did you go then?"

"I was trying to protect you!"

"Protect me from what? Lance? He's practically harmless!"

"You don't know him like I do!" He argued as I began walking away.

"Clare. I'm sorry I really am. From the deepest part of my sincerity I am. And I know you don't think it was fair but I know why I went to him and questioned hi-"

"You did not just question him!" I cut him off.

"I know and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assaulted your boyfriend." The way he said boyfriend with so much hate as disgust made me cringe.

"I know but the point is I shouldn't have don't that and I'm sorry."

"I don't know if I can forgive you," I said slightly serious. I know he was jus looking out for me so I know he had no bad intentions. After all what are best friends for?

"Hmmm," he pondered, "I wonder if Yogurtland or Starbucks could boost up my possibilities of forgiveness?"

"Probably Yogurtland..." I smiled.

"Yogurtland it is then!"

and you thought i was mad at that time. haha boy were you wrong. i bet you thought i couldn't get madder? well I guess that from what i could think of that's the maddest i've gotten at you.


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