Letter 45

22 7 0

dear landon,
i'm sorry.

"Clare come on you can't just leave him." I was so irritated that I was ready to jump out a window.

"Yolanda I think she has a choice. Maybe she has a good reason as to why she can't go," Chelsea tried to make him understand.

I sat by the sofa that faced outside the window in the room we were staying in. The kiss, the almost kiss with Landon shouldn't have had happened. I can't do this. I can't continue to lead him on with things like this. I knew by now that we were going to go on a date. And I didn't want that. I liked him, I really did but I couldn't. I won't. And I'm not going to continue to lead him on.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not going." I got up from my current seat and walked out the room.

But before I exited I stoped near Chelsea's eat and softly said, " Let him know yeah?" She nodded softy and I took my phone in hand and walked out of not only the room but of the mansion.


p.s. i looked it up and it's actually perdon. that's how you say sorry :)

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