Letter 57

27 9 2

dear landon,
this is about the last night in spain.

That night I went to bed contemplating. Should I confront Landon? Should I demand him to answer if he denies it was him listening? I knew it was him, it had to be, who else could it have been?

I decided to sleep on what to do and the next morning while I woke up I knew that it was better to take a shower and set straight what I would tell him. However, it was about time to start packing and knowing I would set next to him I decided I would talk to him in a civilized way so our plane ride wouldn't be awkward.

I grabbed everything I had brought with me and packed it into my suitcase and my carry on. But like always, it wouldn't all fit. I hadn't gotten anything major here besides a keychain last night which should be no hassle.

"Hey Clare mind helping?" Chelsea called over as she was also packing her belongings. She sat atop of the suitcase trying to force its closure without luck.

"I guess we have the same problem?" I laughed as I walked over.

"But I just got a couple of things it shouldn't have done this to me! Try closing it please?"

I tried to close it as much as I could with only getting it half way through before the door bursted open, "No! You guys are leaving me!"

"Help us, yeah?" I asked Yolanda as she dramatically lied fainted on the bed before hoping right over to us.

"But seriously I think we should meet again."

I pondered on the idea before coming to the conclusion it wasn't that easy and I would have to get a job. But being only 15 I'd have to wait another year to get money.

"Why don't you come visit us soon? You'd love America for sure."

"That's so true! But I-"

"El amor de mi vida ya se va. It all happened too suddenly," (the love of my life is leaving already) Carlos invited himself in.

"Carlos shut up you haven't even spent time with them like I have!"

"I know I was so caught up with that Landon guy. We're friends now, he promised to visit in the summer!" He smirked knowingly how Yolanda wanted us to meet as well.

"Well I was just telling Clare and Chelsea how I would be visiting them too!" Yolanda fought back

"Great!" They both said unfazed as they engulfed themselves into an alternative universe where only they imagined the fire surrounding them.

"Guys!" I clapped my hands together bringing them back from the trance.

"So want to do one last thing before we leave? We have about 2 hours before we leave," Chelsea jumped up mad down on the bed as she finally managed to close her bag.

"Yeah sure but help me close mine as well?" I hoped as she nodded.

"Okay so what are we going to do?" Carlos asked.

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