Letter 42

23 8 0

dear landon,
i finally met someone famous!

We decided that at our next destination, Plaza Mayor we would just walk around. It was just a plaza which if I'm right has a couple of dancing and singers.

Like we had been doing we arrived there and there was a lot of people surrounding something. There was also a lot of cameras flashing so someone was seemed to be the center of attention.




"Como esta tu familia?"

This guy with a microphone popped out of nowhere and shoved it into this guys face, "onde te vas a estar?"

I realized that the guy who was being mobbed was a potential Spanish Celebrity. If I wasn't mistaken it was Enrique Iglesias, a Spanish singer who had my cousins insane. I rarely spoke to my family since they lived in Mexico but we did communicate through facebook.

I took my phone out and tried to take a picture from a distance, I didn't want to invade his personal space like others who were doing so. His sunglasses suddenly looked in my direction and I caught him waving. I turned around and saw a really tall built man who was probably another body guard sent.

"Señorita le tengo que pedir porfavor que se mueva." The guy suddenly notified me.

"What?" I turned to Landon.

"He's saying we have to move."

"Please?" The guy told us in a commanding tone.

I did what he asked of us and moved along towards the shopping center. We walked in and out of a few stores until we sat in a couple of benches.

"I'm hungry," Lance complained.

"Me too...what should we eat?"

"Let's go have lunch at Restaurant Botin," Chelsea suggested.

After we ate we walked around more and just talked there was not much to do but the scenery I enjoyed. Not to mentioned the entertainment.

When we were leaving I decided to talk to Chelsea on our way back.

"Where are we going with you?"

"Grand Via."

From the smile on her face I knew this would be great.

would you like to be famous?


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